Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 1 - 7 of 181 Results
How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

Introduction In today’s ever-bustling world, it is essential to take care of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga is one of the best ways to nurture all these aspects of life. Practicing yoga helps improve our physical health through stretching and strengthening exercises (Yogasanas). It also promotes mental clarity and reduces stress through mindful breathing (Pranayama) and meditation (Dhyana). …

Vasisthasana: How To Practice Side Plank Pose

Vasisthasana: How To Practice Side Plank Pose

Introduction As modernization is increasing and we are moving away from traditional lifestyles and working styles, we often work less with the body and more with the mind. Nowadays, most of our work is done while sitting, which is why many of our muscles remain inactive, and many health problems start arising with time. Knowing about these issues early and …

Yoga Anatomy - How Can I Practice Yoga Without Injuring Myself?

Yoga Anatomy – How Can I Practice Yoga Without Injuring Myself?

In today’s fast-paced world, yoga has become a beacon of solace for many physically and mentally seeking balance. Yoga has become a cornerstone of holistic wellness practices worldwide with its myriad benefits, from increased flexibility to stress reduction. Yet, amidst the tranquility of a yoga session lies a potential hazard – the risk of injury. When practiced thoughtfully, yoga may …

How does Yoga Practices Improve Nerve Health by Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

How does Yoga Practices Improve Nerve Health by Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Chronic stress has become an unwanted companion in our fast-paced world. It disrupts our sleep, weakens our immune system, and contributes to various health issues. Thankfully, ancient practices like yoga offer a powerful antidote. But beyond the physical benefits of flexibility and strength, yoga holds a secret weapon for promoting overall well-being, stimulating the vagus nerve.  Chronic stress, the bane …

International Yoga Day- Everything you need to know!

International Yoga Day- Everything you need to know!

Introduction Yoga is the true essence of life, providing a way to unite our physical, mental, and spiritual realms. Originating in India thousands of years ago and practiced and preserved by saints and sages over the years, this ancient tradition brings harmony and balance to our lives, promoting physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from …

7 Health Benefits of Meditation Practice

7 Health Benefits of Meditation Practice

In our whirlwind world, carving out moments of serenity can feel like a luxurious amenity. But what if there was a simple, readily available practice that could not only melt away stress but also elevate your overall health and well-being? Delighted? It’s called meditation! Meditation, the age-old practice of focusing attention and quieting mental chatter, has existed for millennia. While …