Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 22 - 28 of 107 Results
20-Minute Ardha Matsyendrasana Routine for a Calm and Balanced Mind

20-Minute Ardha Matsyendrasana Routine for a Calm and Balanced Mind

In today’s age and day, it’s a fast-paced world where every moment is filled with hustle and bustle, and finding calm can be a problematic practice. However, don’t worryβ€”among the chaos of modern life, there is always yoga to calm you down! Among the various poses in yoga, Ardha Matsyendrasana, is one that shines out. The pose is also known …

Everything You Need To Uncover About Pasasana (The Noose Pose)

Everything You Need To Uncover About Pasasana (The Noose Pose)

Namaste yoga enthusiasts! Here in this blog post, we’re thrilled to dive into the enchanting world of Pasasana, also known as the Noose Pose. This intriguing asana might sound mysterious, but don’t worry, we’re here to unravel its secrets and guide you through everything you need to know to master this transformative posture.  So, first of all, picture yourself standing …

Uttanasana Yoga Pose That Can Improve Your Posture and Balance

Uttanasana Yoga Pose That Can Improve Your Posture and Balance

Introduction -Uttanasana Yoga Namaste to all fellow seekers of wellness and balance! Today, I’m here to talk about a yoga pose that’s like a magic potion for your posture and balance – Uttanasana, or as it’s more commonly known, the Standing Forward Bend. Imagine you’re standing tall, feet firmly planted on the ground, reaching for the sky with every breath. …

Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose) - Meaning, Steps & Precautions

Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose) – Meaning, Steps & Precautions

In the realm of yoga, each asana holds its significance, rooted in tradition, symbolism, and the harmony of mind, body, and spirit. Among the plethora of poses that enrich the yogic journey, Swastikasana stands out as a symbol of auspiciousness and balance. Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Swastika’, meaning auspicious or lucky, Swastikasana embodies the union of stability, tranquility, and …

How To Do The Yoga Lunge Pose - Proper Form, Benefits & Variation

How To Do The Yoga Lunge Pose – Proper Form, Benefits & Variation

Yoga, an ancient practice that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, offers a plethora of poses that cater to various physical and mental needs. Among these poses, the Yoga Lunge Pose, or Anjaneyasana, stands out as a foundational posture that enhances strength, flexibility, and balance. Here, we’ll delve into the proper form, benefits, and variations of the Yoga Lunge Pose, …

Big-Toe Pose Step by Step Instructions, Contraindications, and Cautions

Big-Toe Pose Step by Step Instructions, Contraindications, and Cautions

In the realm of yoga, where each pose offers a unique journey of self-discovery and physical well-being, the Big-Toe Pose, or ‘Padangusthasana’ in Sanskrit, stands as a testament to balance, flexibility, and mindfulness. This pose, also known as the Hand to Big-Toe Pose, holds immense benefits for both body and mind, but its practice demands proper technique, awareness, and respect …