
Dolphin Pose – A Great Prep for Forearm Stand and Headstand

Nestled in the foothills of the gorgeous Himalayas, Rishikesh is the ideal destination for yoga seekers, with the Ganges River flowing with ancient wisdom. Global enthusiasts gather here for life-changing encounters, frequently engaging in Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Of all the asanas included in a yogi’s practice, Dolphin Pose stands out as a fundamental asana. It is a strong and adaptable pose that not only has physical benefits but also acts as a necessary warm-up for more difficult inversions like the Headstand and Forearm Stand. Here, we will delve into the nuances of Dolphin Pose and how it can help you become proficient in these difficult inversions in this blog post.

Uncovering Dolphin Pose – The Basis for Proficiency:

Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) is an inversion that is supported by the forearms and has the shape of an inverted ‘V’. To put Dolphin Pose into practice:

  • Start on your hands and knees, positioned like a tabletop.
  • Make sure your forearms are parallel to each other as you lower them to the mat.
  • Raise your hips towards the ceiling, tuck your toes, and extend your legs straight.
  • Tense your abdominal muscles, tense your shoulder blades, and look down at your feet.
  • Retain the pose, breathing deeply and keeping your tailbone in a straight line from your head.

Advantages of the Dolphin Pose:

  • Strengthen the shoulders and core: Dolphin Pose is an excellent way to strengthen your shoulders and core. The pose’s weight-bearing aspect engages the muscles in the upper back and shoulders, priming them for the demands of inversions.
  • Enhances Adaptability: Dolphin Pose promotes flexibility in the hamstrings and calves as well as strength. Stretching the lower body and lengthening the spine enhance overall flexibility, which is essential for learning increasingly difficult postures.
  • Increases Circulation of Blood: Dolphin Pose’s inversion increases blood flow to the brain, which improves concentration and mental clarity. This becomes especially important for practitioners participating in the immersion yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh, where mental clarity is crucial.

Using the Dolphin Pose to Enter the Forearm and Headstand:

Laying the Groundwork:

The appeal of inversions grows stronger as students advance in their yoga careers. The poses of the Headstand (Sirsasana) and Forearm Stand (Pincha Mayurasana) represent the heights of strength, balance, and concentration. As an excellent warm-up, Dolphin Pose provides a strong base for these more difficult inversions.

1. Mayurasana (Forearm Stand):

Strength of Shoulders:

The shoulders are prepared to support weight and stabilize the body in a dolphin pose. When moving into a Forearm Stand, when the shoulders take on the role of the main support system, this strength is essential.

Awareness of the Body:

Dolphin Pose develops alignment and engagement, which is beneficial for developing body awareness, which is necessary for moving into more difficult postures. The foundation of the Forearm Stand is the ability that practitioners acquire to balance their weight on their forearms.

2. Sirsasana, or Headstand:

Activation of the Core:

For Dolphin Pose to remain stable, a strong core involvement is needed. This activation is applicable to headstands because maintaining balance when inverted requires a robust core.

Alignment of the Spine:

Dolphin Pose’s extended spine corresponds with Headstand’s desired straight spine. This alignment encourages a safer and more controlled entry into the posture while reducing the chance of neck strain.

Including Dolphin Pose in Your Exercise Routine:

1- Begin With The Alignment:

Prior to attempting Dolphin Pose in its entirety, pay attention to your alignment. Ensure your shoulders are raised, your eyes are down at your feet, and your forearms are parallel. This fundamental alignment is necessary for a practice to be both safe and productive.

2- Progressive Intensification:

You can deepen the stretch in your upper back and shoulders by walking your feet closer to your elbows as your strength and flexibility increase.

3- Continuity in Application:

Dolphin Pose has several advantages that come with regular practice, just like any other yoga pose. Try to incorporate this position into your practice, following your body’s instructions and moving at a comfortable speed.


So, let Dolphin Pose be your go-to surfboard as you navigate the waves of your yoga journey, it will both ground you as an anchor and propel you towards the thrilling heights of inversions. Dolphin Pose teaches you skills that go beyond the mat, whether you’re refining your own practice or navigating the intense immersion of Yoga TTC in Rishikesh. In the spiritual refuge of Rishikesh, they extend into the art of balance, strength, and unshakable focus needed to ride the waves of transformation on your mat. Accept the power of Dolphin Pose and allow it to be your compass on your path to inversion mastery and the endless opportunities it presents.

 Incorporating this pose into your practice can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. For those interested in deepening their yoga journey, consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala, a leading Yoga school in Rishikesh, offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.

Rishikul Yogshala

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