Downward Dog Demystified: Unveiling Physical and Mental Strength

Introduction – Downward Dog Yoga Pose

The name Adho Mukha Śvānāsana is derived from the words Adho meaning ‘Down’, Mukha meaning ‘Face’, Śvāna meaning ‘Dog’ and asana meaning ‘Meditative Pose’.

The Adho Mukha Svanasana is among the most common and widely performed asanas in the yogic world. Performing this pose is a best way to increase flexibility, strength and maintain a bond between mind and body. Dogs are enthusiastic and social animals; they are known for their endurance and relatively superior intelligence. Dogs have the most essential qualities that human being must adopt to live their life like a great yogi. These qualities are as follows – Loyalty, Faithfulness, Trustworthiness, Reliability, Protection, Unconditional love, Perseverance and Playfulness. Furthermore, qualities are described which one can read on to find out how the spirit of the ‘Svana’ could grease the wheels of your life on earth.

Powers Of The Dog

Physical Powers

The dog is energetic, has a high level of intelligence and has a highly evolved digestive system. Excellent night vision, an elevated sense of smell, and good auditory faculty are among the many features of a canine’s physical system. The animal also has better stamina and strength. Dogs don’t sweat at all, they use their glands to cool themselves, from within by panting heavily after exerting themselves to such an extent; that usually causes humans to sweat heavily.

Mental Powers

Among the most prominent and tangible attributes of the ancient wild dogs that are still visible in modern dog breeds are loyalty, excellent hunting skills and the willingness to form and maintain strong bonds. These abilities would allow a yogi who performs the Adho Mukha Svanasana with the aim of absorbing the cosmic powers of the dog to become better team players, be more focused and pertinent when it comes to thought and action and become more loving, caring and compassionate towards family and friends.

Psychic Powers

The psychic powers that this asana can gift a yogi, starts with simplicity of thought, a keen sense of love and a strengthened bond with nature and the inner-self. The inner sense of intuitiveness also improves when a yogi performs this pose for prolonged periods. Will power, Loyalty, Endurance and Bravery are another component that the yogi acquires by performing the downward facing dog pose.

How To Do The Downward Dog Yoga

Overview & Steps

  • Kneel on the yoga mat and support your body with your open palms. Align your knees to the hips while making sure your arms remain stretched forward to the floor. Spread fingers and bend your toes outward.
  • Lift your knees and form an arch with your body, exhale while you do so. Arch your lower back outward, expanding your tailbone while you do so and extend it in the direction of the pubis. Inhale.
  • Exhale and push your thighs backward, narrow your pelvis, while trying to your heels as close to the floor as possible, it is ideal to keep them fixed on the floor.
  • Glide the shoulder blades backward and tighten the back and the tailbone. Maintain the head’s position straight between the shoulders. Never allow it to hang.
  • Bend your knee and proceed into a child’s pose (Balasana) after holding this for around three minutes.

Safety & Precautions To Prevent Injuries

  • If you are very flexible, do not let your rib cage sink towards the floor. Draw your lower ribs in and maintain a flat back.
  • Your heels do not need to touch the ground. Do not worry about it (avoid walking your feet closer to your hands for this purpose). Maintain the length of your spine and the lift of your pelvis.

Anatomy Of Downward Dog Yoga

Downward dog yoga involves proper activation of specific sections of the body: the wrists, shoulders, spine, hamstrings, and calves. To do this pose correctly a large number of muscles need to lengthen. From the posterior chain of the lower body to downward rotators and retractors of the scapula to extensors of the shoulders to external rotators of the shoulders etc. If any of those are missed, the pose will be out of alignment. 

Each one is taken separately and lengthened. Because the resistance is minimized, this is done very quickly. Action vs action of the same muscle group, allows avoiding the pain of the stretch reflex. One each muscle is lengthened; they are all put back together into a perfect Downward Facing Dog.

Preparatory And Follow Up Poses

Preparatory asana –

  • Plank Pose
  • Uttanasana

Follow up asana – 

  • Standing poses
  • Uttanasana
  • Headstand
  • Sirsasana

Key Alignment Of Asana

Importance Of Breathing In Downward Dog Yoga

From the perspective of the breath, this pose comes under the inversion category. Because inversions naturally move the diaphragm cranially, the exhaling action of the abdominal muscles can be quite deep. This process helps to supply the maximum oxygenated blood to the brain area, the whole upper & lower body. Naturally the strength is gained and this helps to maintain the final pose with the extended time period with ease.

Process Of Meditation In Downward Dog Yoga Pose

(Sthiram Sukham Asanam)

This pose is related with the Dog and as far as the power of the dogs is concerned, they are very energetic and have a high level of intelligence. When the final pose is achieved with comfort, the visualization process can take place. Practitioners can visualize a form of universal dog, which is huge and has an immense power such as intuition, perception and loyalty. These powers emerge within the practitioners, once they visualize. This process of visualization leads the Practitioners into the process of Meditation.

Benefits Of Downward Dog Yoga Pose

Physical Benefits

  • The downward dog yoga pose strengthens the hands, wrists, low back, hamstrings, calves and Achilles tendon
  • Downward dog yoga helps to provide a better blood supply to the head, healthy skin and decelerated aging.
  • It prevents osteoporosis, asthma, indigestion, and insomnia.
  • Downward dog yoga boosts ups stamina, reduces sweat, better eyesight, stimulates sensitive nerves and builds bone density
  • Downward dog yoga is an excellent stretching exercise creating which touches the right muscle groups that trigger growth.

Psychological Benefits of Downward Dog Yoga

Performing downward-facing dog pose helps to correct the mental rhythm, free flowing thought process, and stability. The mind also becomes more aligned to feelings of love and loyalty. When it comes to bonding between friends, family and self, the downward facing dog greatly helps to achieve it. Adho Mukha Svanasana also provides a better IQ and learning capacity.

Mystical Benefits of Downward Dog Yoga

The mystical benefit of the dog includes the ability to sense disasters, both natural and manmade. The dog powers are also very observant when it comes to metaphysical phenomena. You become intelligent and sensitive to other people’s needs. You may transform with full of good intentions, and these will help you move forward in the world positively. This pose also aids to work on your weaknesses and helps to overcome the negative setbacks.

Spiritual Benefits of Downward Dog Yoga

Spiritual benefits include a mind and body connection and a sense of oneness with the inner being. Your sense of duty (towards, friends, family and society) would also develop with the downward dog yoga pose. You tend to become a person who gives unconditional love, commitment and forgiveness. You cultivate a sense of selflessness, and never ask for praise or expect anything in return, within. The body, the mind and the emotions would form a strong and deep connection through the downward-facing dog. 


  • People who suffer from carpel tunnel syndrome, Diarrhea and hypertension should avoid doing downward dog yoga poses.
  • People with disrupted ear balance should not perform this asana.
  • Pregnant women should also avoid performing this pose.

Also Read – Vasisthasana: How To Practice Side Plank Pose


Incorporating dog position yoga into your practice can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. For those interested in deepening their yoga journey, consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala in Rishikesh offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.

Rishikul Yogshala

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