The man-made world and history is full of solid with strong proof of our rich education system of India; weather you can talk about the oldest university, Numerous ancient text, scriptures, various cultures, architectural structures, civilizations and library in the world. It has been making historians and scientists amazed and therefore to rethink the importance of ancient education system with spiritual wisdom today, for both, the eastern and western world. This is why the entire world has been looking towards an Ancient Indian History to seek for researching and studying the ancient arts, science and insight and thus to build a peaceful world for peacefully leaving.
Though the Indians were not only well observed on external development but they have been also aware of the eternal science, we have found that how wonderfully our saints, poets and thinkers have systematized the education system with eternal wisdom, whether from oral tradition to writing forms of today, which is still nurturing all of us today, in terms of balance between Eternality and Materiality.
I am pretty much sure, if on one hand all the social systems would be collapsed and bribed and on other hand, if we can keep our education system authentic, pure and balanced, therefore, the balanced education system only will become a boon, shield and can uphold the humanity during at that time to protect our society, culture and the whole world from great disasters.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam 15th Oct 1931 to 27th Jul 2015 (A great president of India, an outstanding scientist, an exceptional teacher and a wonderful philosopher) has said, “The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skills and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers”.The steadiness in between this and another world can lead us into harmony.
The ancient education systems in india are relying on two principles, the first one is known as “Jnanam” (Knowledge), which has two pillars “SHIKSHA and VIDHYA” (Objective and Subjective). The word Shiksha denotes “to learn skills”, which teaches us technology, engineering, science, arts, development, Languages, information collection and so on. It has been limiting us along with holding academic degrees, opportunities with employment, building wealth individually and economies for the nation. In terms of Shiksha (skills) it provides us all the physical, external and mental comforts temporarily, in terms of fulfilling our desires and enjoying them simultaneously.
Unfortunately, many of us could not understand and able to enjoy and satisfy with all these objectives. On the other hand, Vidhya denotes “insightfulness and to understand”, Vidhya leads to subjectivity, the science and mechanisms of once own body, mind and self and brings harmony in between them, in terms of firm understanding and thereafter able to contemplate on individual nature and universe with its true aspects. Vidhya comprehends us the values of righteousness, contemporaneity, Morality, contentment, balance and proper conduct. Therefore, Vidhya penetrates awareness into a deep meditating process, beyond metaphysical complexity and thus the experience of oneness with the true self (Samadhi).
After having a solid philosophical foundation to bring education and spiritual principles on the ground, therefore, we must have second principal and it is known as “Guru and Shishya”, a competent Master and keen Disciple. In between both of them there is no difference you can say they both have a same goal but with different intensity and experience.
It is interesting though, in Indian culture we have been avoiding the term which are known as “teacher” and “professor” today, we always have been putting emotions and taught by our guardians to be used the term “GURU Ji” (Guru is he who dispelled the darkness in terms of ignorance and makes you able to have a clear vision with brilliance). The “Shikshak” is known as Teacher, it is same for the word which is known as “School” which means “Shikshalaya”; we used to call it as Vidhyalaya, where the art, science and spirituality all are has been teaching in terms of balance and super dynamic studies for people.
Being a Disciple, I have no such strength and skills yet to write a Guru’s Quality intellectually, even though in the market and online there are a lot of material provided, which you can find out by your own. But am I pretty much sure “GURU’S always find place in the heart not in the brain” and therefore DISCIPLE relationship with GURU only can be felt, as KABIRA DAS has quoted (a great Poet & enlightened Saint 1440-1518)”
If I could convert the ocean into ink, entire trees into paper, still it is not equal for writing a glory of GURU’s”. But yes, it’s true that in Indian culture Guru is placed superior to all, even beyond God! I would like to put light on this blog with great respect towards heroic and well-learned Disciple, who is endowed with high spirit, courageous, sophisticated and free from delusion. “I think keen disciple, can be a great disciple teacher” and this is what the Guru’s always have been giving up the authority to his/her disciples, traditionally.
Disciple’s dynamic role as a Lamp
The Indian sub-continent it has been producing great heat for spiritual and enlightened Yogis, poets, artists, scientists, mathematicians and so on. This land it’s been also attracting extraordinary thinkers, spiritual masters and mystics from the entire world. The disciple is he/she, who is followed the instructions from their masters as it is.
Therefore, the disciple has to be carrying forward the given instructions with great vision and mission, devotionally, for the sake of spiritual quest, welfare of the humanity and nature, in terms of “Abhyasa” (intense practice) and sharing sincerely, along with their personal true experience to impart others, benefiting people in both the ways spiritually and worldly. For a disciple, there is nothing like my GURU is bigger than yours and vice versa, it’s only deep feeling, unbroken devotion and solid connection, same as petrol attracts fire towards it and the other way around.
The mark between disciple teacher and Yoga teacher in the name of spirituality
Demand of YOGA and MEDITATION today dynamically enlarging throughout the world, beyond the caste, culture, and religion and from a celebrity to common people.
Today’s people have different opinions and desires to practice Yoga which is fine, for instance; for physical fitness, intellectual improvement, spiritual, generating employment and so on, up to now it’s been fruitful and benefiting all levels of human expectations. But the main theme of Yoga is to come out from all types of suffering and to attain deep state of absorption with self. People are today also do apply Yoga to their life consciously or unconsciously to avoid suffering from a gross sense to subtleness of human being
According to spirituality, there are root causes of suffering, these are known as ‘Adhyatma Dukkham (Spiritual pain)’ which includes physical and mental pain and comes from our own choice, consciously and unconsciously, ‘Adhibhautikam’ the pain that comes from any other living beings and ‘Adhidevikam’ a pain which comes from the nature itself (natural disasters).
Today’s people have different opinions and desires to practice Yoga which is fine, for instance; for physical fitness, intellectual improvement, spiritual, generating employment and so on, up to now it’s been fruitful and benefiting all levels of human expectations. But the main theme of Yoga is to come out from all types of suffering and to attain deep state of absorption with self. People are today also do apply Yoga to their lives consciously or unconsciously to avoid suffering from a gross sense to subtleness of human being
According to spirituality, there are root causes of suffering, these are known as ‘Adhyatma Dukkham (Spiritual pain)’ which includes physical and mental pain and comes from our own choice, consciously and unconsciously, ‘Adhibhautikam’ the pain which comes from any other living beings and ‘Adhidevikam’ a pain which comes from the nature itself (natural disasters).
Yogis have proved that all kind of pain originates from any one of these three sources. Therefore, the great news is, Yoga has solutions for all and everyone, the sage Patanjali has promised us and revealed the top secret for the welfare of humanity in the Yoga Darshnam 2:16 he explains “Heyam Dukkham Anagatam” which means (avoidable pain which has yet to come). Yoga science conformed and scientifically tells; that pain can be avoided by self-steadiness and a firm understanding in between Prakriti (Nature) and Purusha (Self).
For everybody it is important to have a clear understanding of what things are right and which one is wrong technically, especially for neophytes and advanced practitioners both, if we know only good things then it is used less, because after good, the bad is waiting and therefore we are not aware of the consequences of our Karmas (Actions), therefore it is considered as a half knowledge and really dangerous sometimes for anybody! We must need to see and understand both sides of life, very practically, through spiritual guidelines and through repetitions of studies.
A disciple teacher has been trained in both the situations monastically and academically, so that to know and see the clear view from the ground floor and top floor, the view from both will have different sense and objects, the disciple teacher will always treat you as they have been treating genuinely to themselves or according to their present situation, disciple teacher no need to give propaganda that he/she is the best one, for them prime concern is “Abhyasa” (self-steadiness) and second to impart the teachings in order to benefit others.
Their psyche is Suchi (Pure) and well understandable of human values and psychology, the importance of do’s and don’ts as per their qualifications, as they have capacity to feel the blissful self in their people and in all living beings, they are also not interested to create followings and numbers of people, but people attract towards them to seek the wisdom and it causes, I think apart from the teachings at Shala (Class room) their life and actions are the live teaching examples in society and for their people.
Therefore, if I really speak, it is a very responsible job and at the same time and after several years, they might think and try to prove to others that they are the Master of the masters and no more need to remember the words of wisdom from their own Master.
The businessman and brains sitting behind marketing they know all those things that how human psyche and its mechanics are function, people always like to hear good things, as Yoga has become a big industries in the world and they never shy to apply and generate money and create politics out of it.
Though it is good if they are providing the right information and atmosphere, therefore we need to seek for a disciple teacher to study Yoga and meditation science, instead only from a Yoga teacher and instructor, I did not mean here that who is prefixing and titling “teacher, disciple and instructor” to themselves people should not study and learn with them, it is technical and of course, choice is yours!
For those interested in deepening their yoga journey, consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala, a leading Yoga school India, offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 200 Hrs Yoga TTC In Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.
check on article How important is the demonstration in yoga?
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