Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Mayurasana: Balancing the Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Peacock Pose

Mayurasana: Balancing the Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Peacock Pose

Mayūrāsana is derived from two Sanskrit words- Mayur means “Peacock” and Asana means “Pose”.  This asana is one of the oldest forms of Hatha yoga.  According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Mayurasana symbolizes love, spirituality, and awakening. As one of the advanced arm balancing yoga poses, where the practitioners hold the earth with both the hands and navel rests on the elbows. The sacred Mayurasana results in radiant health and “Makes the deadly Kalakuta (Name of the poison) digestible.” Therefore Mayurasana stands for Love and Immortality.

“Mayurasana meaning” refers to the symbolic and physical aspects of the Peacock Pose, representing grace, balance, and inner strength in yoga practices. Balance is obtained by having a strong foundation. Peacock yoga pose gives that possibility to increase the balance to the great extent. This pose is very beneficial for the body, mind, and spirit as performing this asana brings balance between them. It is a forearm balance with the body raised, resembling a peacock’s tail.

Powers Of Peacock

Physical Powers

Peacocks symbolize beauty, wholeness, immortality, ability to see past and future, dignity, watchfulness and self- confidence. Peacocks are also called golden birds and also represent good luck, nobility, protection, power and spiritual evolution. Peacocks belong to the pheasant family. The male ones are called peacock and the females ones are known as peahens. The most attractive feature of the peacock is its feathers which have the combination of five different colours. They build their nest on the ground and they love to perch on trees, on top of buildings and anywhere off the ground at night.

Peacocks are not at all gentle with snakes. They do not look so strong but they have the potential to fight with snakes even if the snake is poisonous, they sometimes eat snakes. They are fast runners and can move at speed of 16 kilometers per hour. Peacocks defend their predators with their sharp and strong metatarsal spurs which are also known as “kicking horns” They have three strong toes facing forward and one facing backward. The average lifespan of a peacock is 15 to 20 years.

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Mental Powers

Peacocks are not only beautiful birds but are also quite intelligent. They are friendly creatures but they do not like strangers entering their territory even if it is a peahen. They have a great sense of awareness. They are well aware of their predators like dogs, raccoons, cats and other medium-sized animals and always stay alert at all times. Peacocks are really clever and they can easily make fake calls to attract peahen for mating. 

Psychic Powers

Peacocks have different meanings and significance in different countries, religions, and cultures. They symbolize wisdom and immortality. Peacock represents purity. They also represent beauty, grace, artistic ability, agility, and harmony. It is believed that keeping peacock feathers in homes brings good luck and prosperity. Peacocks are believed to have the ability to eat poisonous plants without getting affected by them and because of this they are compared with great yogis who dedicate their lives toward humanity. In fact, peacocks become more healthy and beautiful after eating the poisonous plant just like how yogis attain more enlightenment and higher realization after taking all problems and suffering on themselves.

How To Do The Asana

Overview & Steps

  • Sit in Virasana(on your knees and heels). Make sure your knees are wide apart.
  • Place your hands on the floor, and let your fingers point towards your body.
  • Gently bend your elbows and press them towards your abdomen.
  • You must keep your belly firm. To do this, drop your head on the floor, and work up the strength in your stomach.
  • Stay in the full cobra pose or the Purna Bujangansana for about 3 minutes.
  • Stretch your legs out, such that your knees are straight, and the upper part of your feet is facing the floor.
  • Your shoulder blades must be firm and pushed into your back. Tighten your buttocks and raise your head. Set your gaze forward.
  • Inhale shift your body weight forward and lift your legs off the floor. Your body must be lifted with the weight on your hands. It should be parallel to the floor.
  • Hold the pose for about 10 seconds initially. Breathe normally. With practice, you should be able to hold it for up to one minute.
  • To release, exhale, and drop your head and feet on the ground and relax.

Safety & Precaution To Prevent Injuries

  • Use a wall at first to kick up against which will allow you to play with the pose safely.
  • Use hamstrings and shoulders opener asana first to protect your body from injury.
  • Build your inner steadiness under challenging conditions.
  • The foam block between hands and strap-on elbows keeps the base solid!

Anatomy Of Mayurasana

Mayurasana involves flexion of the thoracic spine, abduction of the scapula, and extension of the cervical spine. It’s unusual to balance on the arms with the forearms supinated. This changes the action in the elbows and brings the biceps brachii much more into use. Performing Mayurasana will require forearm strength and core muscle strength. The pressure of the elbows into the abdomen stimulates the organs. Many benefits have traditionally been recognized to this effect. All the abdominal muscles activate to resist the pressure of the elbows into the viscera (internal organs).

Preparatory And Follow Up Poses

Preparatory asana –

  • Chaturanga Dandasana, 
  • Eka Pada Sirsasana

Follow up asana – 

  • Bhujapidasana, 
  • Balasana
  • Sarvangasana

Key Alignment Of Asana

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Importance Of Breathing In Mayurasana

While performing the Mayurasana the abdominal organs are being strongly squeezed from front, back, above and below, by the respiratory and diaphragms. Considering the amount of energy which is required to maintain this pose and the minimal amount of breathing it permits, due to the nature of the pose. The lungs in their limited capacity are simply unable to supply enough oxygen for that degree of muscular effort. Therefore before entering into the pose one must relax and breathe deep and long to gain optimum energy. Even in the final pose, long and deep breathing is advised in order to perform this pose effectively.

Process Of Meditation In Mayurasana

(Sthiram Sukham Asanam)

Performing Mayurasana requires a good amount of strength and flexibility. Over a course of time when the practitioners are ready to hold the pose for an extended time period with complete ease and stillness, they can progress further into the visualization process. At this point by achieving the great awareness of physical position they must try to close the eyes and when steady then they should start withdrawing their senses away from physical objects.

Now, they should start visualizing the universal peacock which is huge and has immense power in it. Visualizing the distinctive pattern of “eyes’ ‘ on the feathers is associated with vision and wisdom. Try to immerse yourself with this cosmic power and energy. This will help the practitioners to walk on the path of Meditation. 

Mayurasana Benefits

Benefits of Mayurasana” include strengthening the core, arms, and wrists while improving balance and posture. It also aids in digestion, stimulates internal organs, and promotes detoxification by increasing blood flow to the digestive system. Here are some mayurasan benefits :

Physical Benefits

  • The Mayurasana pose gets rid of toxins and detoxifies the body.
  • This Mayurasana pose is used for treating piles and diabetes.
  • This pose helps improve the function of the digestive system and makes the abdomen stronger.
  • Mayurasana improves the posture of the body.
  • It helps in strengthening and toning the reproductive system.
  • It helps strengthen elbows, wrist, spine, and shoulder.

Psychological Benefits

  • It alleviates anxiety and helps calm the mind.
  • This pose helps increase mental clarity and focus.
  • This pose helps people to take responsibility with great clarity.
  • This pose also assists in giving instant decision making power according to the situations.

Mystical Benefits

  • This pose is associated with the power of Courage, Will, Acceptance and Grasping. 
  • This pose helps to open the inner personality and shines the real beauty from within.
  • This pose stimulates the vitality of the body.
  • It helps to control the energy balance to maintain the health of the body, mind and spirit.

Spiritual Benefits

Performing Mayurasana increases the core strength which is the base of the human being. This asana helps to connect with others by being nothing but your true self. This is associated with the solar plexus, the Manipur Chakra. This gives the power and strength to become a sensible and responsible person. This pose allows one to explore the inner personality which is the actual quality to become a real human being, providing the sense of responsibility towards the family and society.

The sparkling blue-green color of the peacock’s feathers has often been associated with royalty and the traits of self-confidence and leadership, which is the key to help others. The distinctive pattern of “eyes” on the feathers is associated with vision and wisdom. To obtain the most positive benefits, bring the regular practice of Mayurasana, the most ancient practice in the Hatha into your modern-day life to improve every aspect of yourself- emotionally, mentally and physically.

Contra Indications

  • Avoid this pose if you are suffering from health conditions such as hernia, high blood pressure, heart disease, intestine problems, brain tumor, and eye, ear and nose infections.
  • Women are recommended to avoid this pose during their menstrual period.
  • Pregnant women should keep away from this pose. 


Harmonize body, mind, and spirit with Mayurasana, the Peacock Pose. Elevate your practice at our Yoga School in serene Rishikesh, offering immersive 300-hour and 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Experience the transformative power of Mayurasana during your Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, achieving balance and poise.

Incorporating this pose into your practice can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. Those interested in deepening their yoga journey should consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala, a leading Yoga school in Rishikesh, offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.

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Sahish Krishna Sharma Yoga Philosophy, Meditation & Yoga Nidra

An IT Professional turned spiritual aspirant, Krishna Sharma was born in a traditional and spiritual environment. With the quest of understanding the purpose of life, he quit the corporate world and set forth on a spiritual path and Stayed at Bihar School of Yoga and Isha Yoga Foundation. His teachings combine the essence of the yogic world through the eyes of Bihar School of Yoga combined with the scientific reasoning of Isha Yoga Foundation.