Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 22 - 28 of 60 Results
How to Prepare Mentally and Emotionally For Your Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

How to Prepare Mentally and Emotionally For Your Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh holds deep importance in the journey of every individual passionate about Yoga and serves as a meaningful path for learning, self-discovery, and personal growth. From the beginner 200-hour YTT to the Master 500-hour YTT, aspiring teachers fully engage in the philosophy, history, and practice of Yoga. This helps them gain a complete understanding of all …

Knowing the main differences, similarities, and advantages of Yoga Nidra vs Meditation

Knowing The Main Differences, Similarities, and Advantages of Yoga Nidra vs Meditation

In today’s hectic world, sorting through the stress maze has become a common issue. Finding inner calm and quiet has become more critical during the destruction. This is where the great value of meditation and yoga nidra practices lies, as they are like lights in the turbulent waters of contemporary life. Not only can these methods provide comfort, but they …

The Spiritual Significance of Marichyasana in Yoga Philosophy

The Spiritual Significance of Marichyasana in Yoga Philosophy

Introduction While every asana in the ancient yoga tradition has profound meaning, Marichyasana stands out for its unmatched spiritual depth and capacity for transformation. Deeply rooted in yoga philosophy, Marichyasana goes beyond simple physical practice and invites practitioners into a deeper communion with the self and the universe. To expose the secret jewels concealed within, we will explore the spiritual …

5 Cooling Restorative Yoga Postures for Summer

5 Cooling Restorative Yoga Postures for Summer

During the summer, the sun shines very bright, causing the temperature to rise significantly. To overcome this heat and cool our bodies and minds, we find and adopt various tricks, such as wearing light and comfortable clothes, drinking lots of water and refreshing beverages, eating juicy fruits and vegetables, and using appliances like air conditioners to beat the heat. However, …

Dandasana (Staff Pose)-Steps and Benefits

Dandasana (Staff Pose)-Steps and Benefits

Introduction – Dandasana Yoga has grown to be a multimillion-dollar industry because it can be done by people of all ages, including celebrities, bloggers, housewives, children, and older people. Today, we’ll delve into the calm realm of Dandasana, commonly referred to as the Staff Pose. Dandasana is a fundamental yoga pose that offers various mental and physical advantages. It can …