Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 8 - 14 of 58 Results
Controlling Fear in Your Practice

Controlling Fear in Your Practice

Yoga is learning the delicate balance between control and surrender.Β  In order to hold and flow from pose to pose without falling, we must exert a level of concentrated control. Yet in order to truly let our body move, release, and breathe, we must allow ourselves to surrender. Yoga practice is not just about physical postures; it’s also a journey …

5 Cooling Restorative Yoga Postures for Summer

5 Cooling Restorative Yoga Postures for Summer

During the summer, the sun shines very bright, causing the temperature to rise significantly. To overcome this heat and cool our bodies and minds, we find and adopt various tricks, such as wearing light and comfortable clothes, drinking lots of water and refreshing beverages, eating juicy fruits and vegetables, and using appliances like air conditioners to beat the heat. However, …

How To Perform Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) and its Health Benefits

How To Perform Supta Vajrasana (Reclined Thunderbolt Pose) and its Health Benefits

Introduction – Supta Vajrasana Yoga’s vast poses are a profound toolkit for nurturing body and mind. Each posture is intricately crafted to target specific physical and mental well-being aspects, offering a pathway to holistic health. Supta Vajrasana, known as the Reclined Thunderbolt Pose, stands out among these asanas with its distinctive benefits. While considered advanced, the rewards of mastering Supta …

Unlocking the Benefits of Half Frog Pose

Unlocking the Benefits of Half Frog Pose

Introduction – Half Frog Pose Welcome to the wonderful world of yoga, where each pose is like a treasure chest brimming with physical, mental, and spiritual riches. Among these treasures lies Half Frog Pose, also known as Ardha Bhekasana, a gem of a posture that not only works wonders for your body but also nourishes your soul.Β  In this comprehensive …