Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 1 - 7 of 72 Results
Penguin Yoga Pose & Benefit: A Close Relation to Pigeon Pose

Penguin Yoga Pose & Benefit: A Close Relation to Pigeon Pose

In the extensive repertoire of yoga asanas, you’ll find a number of animal-named poses. From Downward Facing Dog to Cat-Cow and from Cobra to Eagle, each animal-inspired pose has its unique set of benefits and challenges. In the spirit of this beautiful connection with nature, today we will explore the β€œPenguin Yoga Pose”, a playful and rejuvenating asana that’s often …

Yin Yoga: Unlocking Deep Relaxation and Mind-Body Connection

Yin Yoga: Unlocking Deep Relaxation and Mind-Body Connection

Finding Inner Balance and Peace with Yin Yoga Discover the benefits of Yin Yoga for relaxation, flexibility, and the mind-body connection. Learn the key principles, poses, and techniques of this gentle practice and find your inner balance and peace. Do you feel tired and stressed after high-intensity workouts? If you’re looking for a less intense way to stay fit, Yin …

Mantras Yoga: Definition, Benefits, & Techniques

Mantras Yoga: Definition, Benefits, & Techniques

Learn about the impact of mantras yoga, including how to use them for meditation and mindfulness. Discover the benefits of incorporating mantras into your yoga practice. Introduction Mantras have been a part of yoga practice for centuries and are a powerful tool for Meditation and mindfulness. They are used to still the mind, focus attention, and align the body, mind, …

What is Bhujapidasana? Tips, Techniques, Correct Form, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

What is Bhujapidasana? Tips, Techniques, Correct Form, Benefits, and Common MistakesΒ 

Introduction – Bhujapidasana We all want to be physically healthy, mentally calm, and spiritually advanced, and yoga is the only way that help us achieve all this at the same time. The importance of yoga has been very well explained in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali thousands of years ago. It provides physical health and enhances our mental clarity and …

How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

Introduction In today’s ever-bustling world, it is essential to take care of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga is one of the best ways to nurture all these aspects of life. Practicing yoga helps improve our physical health through stretching and strengthening exercises (Yogasanas). It also promotes mental clarity and reduces stress through mindful breathing (Pranayama) and meditation (Dhyana). …

Yoga Anatomy - How Can I Practice Yoga Without Injuring Myself?

Yoga Anatomy – How Can I Practice Yoga Without Injuring Myself?

In today’s fast-paced world, yoga has become a beacon of solace for many physically and mentally seeking balance. Yoga has become a cornerstone of holistic wellness practices worldwide with its myriad benefits, from increased flexibility to stress reduction. Yet, amidst the tranquility of a yoga session lies a potential hazard – the risk of injury. When practiced thoughtfully, yoga may …