Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Introduction – Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

The word Śalabhāsana is derived from the “Shalabh” which means “Grasshopper” or “Locust” and asana means “Meditative Pose”.

Locust is a symbol of longevity and they are associated with astral travel. They are a solitary animal that forms swarms when hunger or the quest for a habitat calls for it. There are about 10,000 or so species of Locust. They are cold blooded as all insects are and are more mobile when it is warmer. Each species has their own unique song. They had a different meaning through history all around the world. In some parts of the world, they are symbols of status and power. In some places they symbolize abundance, good health and good luck. In various other parts of the world, they are considered symbols of fertility.

The locust pose in yoga has infinite effects that can benefit the body, mind and emotions.

Powers Of Locust

Physical Powers

Locusts  have strong legs, they can jump to heights several hundred times their own and make leaps that are impossible to other insects of their size. The locust is also known for their extreme stamina and enormous appetite. A swarm can travel several miles during the course of a single day eating all long and consuming pretty much anything that is green in their path. Agility and coordination are also displayed by solitary locusts as well as large swarms that travel in complex manoeuvres.

Mental Powers

The mind of a locust is simple…it eats, it rests and makes itself useful to the swarm, precisely what a yogi or a spiritual human being needs in order to live a peaceful, progressive and fulfilling life. Locusts are good at coordinating while raiding in swarms, each insect naturally synchronizes its movements and speed of flight to that of the whole swarm, this quality is reflected in yogis who perform the Shalabhasana.

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Psychic Powers

In cultures around the world there is a widespread belief that the locust is a sign of good luck and a widely accepted reason for the way locusts move. They take giant leaps forward while moving in large groups. The locusts therefore thought to be progressive and forward thinking.

Locusts have the ability to leap through time and into space where the true mysteries of life exist. People with this power have the wisdom necessary to overcome obstacles efficiently and are able to jump into successful ventures without preparation or planning. When the grasshopper appears to us we are being asked to take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. This can represent a change in location, relationships, and career or just in the way we perceive ourselves.

How To Do The Asana

Overview & Steps

  • Lie down on your abdomen, with your chin touching the ground; keep your legs close together and your arms parallel to the torso.
  • Pull your knees further towards your upper body, contract your thigh muscles and hamstrings, and keep your pubic bone fixed on the floor.
  • Lift your legs off the floor while taking a deep breath, head, and then lift your upper body off the floor. Stretch your spine and extend your fingers and toes to complete the pose.
  • Drop your legs and arms to the floor while exhaling and relaxing your muscles, keep the hamstrings and buttocks contracted.
  • In this position inhale and hold your breath for about 3 seconds.
  • Relax your hamstrings and buttocks while exhaling slowly.

Safety & Precaution To Prevent Injuries

  • Keep your focus on the length of your spine. Evenly distribute your weight -“lift” your upper, middle, and lower back. Do not worry about how high you lift. Over-emphasizing height can strain your back or neck and cause injury. Instead, try to extend forward through your torso and back through your legs.
  • Internally rotate your thighs by turning your big toes toward. This will help prevent too much compression in your lower back.
  • Draw your pelvis down firmly into the mat. This counteraction will help lift your upper body! Place cushion beneath your hip bones, if needed.
  • To lengthen and lift through the pose – Keep your buttocks firm, but not hard. Instead, actively engage the muscles of your abdomen and the entire back 

Anatomy Of Salabhasana

It can be a challenge to lift the arms against the gravity, with the spine in extension. If the largest muscle in the upper body (Latissimus Dorsi) is used to extend the spine, it will prevent the movement in the arms.

This position of the legs uses a complex interaction among adductors, medial rotators, and hip extensors, because many of the muscle actions that lift and support the body in this position create other actions that must be neutralized by opposing or synergistic muscles. 

If above anatomical points are not taken care while performing the asana; people will face challenges in deepening the pose, as they start their pre-existing patterns of doing the pose.

Preparatory And Follow Up Poses

Preparatory Asana –

  • Bhujangasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Setubandhasana
  • Supta Virasana

Follow Up Asana – 

  • Sarvangasana
  • Bharadvajasana
  • Dhanurasana

Key Alignment Of Asana

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Importance Of Breathing In Salabhasana

In Shalabhasana, while being in the final pose with inhalation, the diaphragm is extended and lungs are opened to receive the oxygen. This oxygenated blood gives power and strength to perform the pose. This pose requires a lot of stamina in order to lift up the body and legs together. Breathing process plays a vital role to give strength to perform this pose.

Process Of Meditation In Salabhasana

(Sthiram Sukham Asanam)

Locust pose is a very challenging pose to get the perfection in the final pose. This requires a lot of awareness and stamina. Once the Practitioners have achieved perfection, they can start the visualization process in the final pose. As this pose is related to the locust which is known for their extreme stamina, longevity, astral travelers, Practitioners can visualize an enormous locust which is very powerful. This will help the practitioners to slip into the process of Meditation.

Read More – Locust Pose (Salabhasana): Steps, Benefits, Tips, Precautions, and Variations Right From The Experts

Benefits Of Locust Pose

Physical Benefits

  • The Locust pose is known to strengthen the whole body and enhance the core power.
  • Locust pose strengthens the kidneys and stimulates the reproductive and digestive systems.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the spine, buttocks, and backs of the arms and legs.
  • Expands and tones the shoulders, chest, belly, and thighs and lower back.
  • This asana enhances natural posture and stretches the abdomen.
  • It allows the kidneys to function smoothly.

Psychological Benefits

Locust pose cultivates extreme focus, Calmness, good team spirit and simplicity. This pose helps to develop the creative mind and work on the lethargic emotions. It will help you to listen to your inner voice and responding to it will lead you to positive outcomes. There are times when you feel demotivated, disincentive and negativity more dominant and at that particular time this asana helps you to overcome such phases in life.

Mystical Benefits

The locust jumps across space and time. Messages from your higher selfare usually marked by the appearance of a locust, which brings you errands from the future.With regular practice people become more innovative, forward thinkers(rarely miss an opportunity to move forward). 

They always get success in any venture they undertake. This evolves them with their instincts to capture the exact moment that will give them the most significant benefit. They become benevolent and enjoy giving to others. Furthermore, they rarely stay in one place very long. They always seek out the best opportunities to move forward. Locust’s ability to connect and understand sound vibrations which is a symbol of your inner voice.

Spiritual Benefits

The most significant power that we acquire from Locust pose is “Fearlessness”.

When a practitioner is stepping into a spiritual journey, the first and foremost important factor is to avoid the fear’.  By acquiring the Locust quality we take a leap of faith and jump forward into a specific area of life without fear. As the locust only jump forward, not left, right and backward, therefore it reaffirming to you that you are taking the right steps to move forward with the intention of wellbeing.

This quality gives courage to do something extra-ordinary for the human being which is the foundation of the Spirituality. 

Contra Indications

  • Lower back injuries must be taken into account while practicing the locust pose.
  • The locust pose must not be performed with severe knee injuries
  • Pregnant women must not perform the asana.


Unlock your potential through Locust Pose, a transformative yoga asana. This pose, emphasized in 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, activates physical and psychic powers. Elevate your practice at a distinguished Yoga School in Rishikesh, where Locust Pose becomes a gateway to unlocking your innate strength and cultivating holistic well-being.

Incorporating this pose into your practice can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. For those interested in deepening their yoga journey, consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala, a leading Yoga school in Rishikesh, offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In India, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.

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Yogi Bipin Baloni
Yogi Bipin Baloni Yoga Teacher

Yogi Bipin Baloni is a dedicated yoga teacher specializing in Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Pranayama. Rooted in a Brahmin family, his journey into yoga was guided by esteemed masters, shaping his deep understanding of both its physical and spiritual dimensions. With a strong belief that yoga is a science beyond mere postures, he imparts its profound wisdom to his students with clarity and dedication.