Yoga Asanas & Techniques

Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior II Pose): Benefits, Steps, Key Tips & Contraindications

The Virabhadrasana is named after the Sanskrit words Vira, meaning warrior; Bhadra, meaning auspicious; and asana, meaning pose. This asana requires strength and stability.

Hindu mythology defines the Virabhadrasana variation as named after Virabhadra (the great warrior), believed to have arisen from one of Lord Shiva’s dreadlocks. All three poses in the Virabhadrasana series represent Virabhadra’s different poses when facing King Daksha.

Warrior 2 pose helps to activate the earth element in the body. At the same time, it strengthens the ankles, thighs, back, arms, shoulders, and calves. This also strengthens and stretches the muscles and connective tissues of the region, leading to a good fascia release. 

Let’s explore all the benefits, procedures, key tips, contraindications, and more about Virabhadrasana II;-

What is Virabhadrasana 2

The Sanskrit poem Kumarasambhavam, written by Kalidasa, describes the mythological aspects of Virabha Aasan and details the story of Virabhadra. According to the tale, Shiva created Virabhadra to avenge Daksha for Sati’s demise. The Warrior II pose depicts Virabhadra fixing his gaze to attack Daksha.

Warrior II pose can be practiced by all skill levels, from the basic to the experienced yogi. It is a robust, energizing standing posture most often used at the beginning of a class. 

As the name denotes, the Warrior pose helps develop inner power and stamina. Regular practice helps open hips and wake up legs with some lunges. In this pose, practitioners typically experience strength and lightness in their bodies.

Virabhadrasana 2 Procedure:

Virabhadrasana ii procedure is mentioned below step by step. Do follow the correct sequence of steps to practice it effectively;-

  • Stand facing the long side of your mat, arms extended directly out from your shoulders, and feet placed wide apart, parallel. Your ankles should be roughly under your wrists.
  • Know to Turn your right foot to point toward the mat. Turn your right knee in the same direction, ensuring it aligns with your foot and faces forward.
  • Bend your left toes a little toward the upper left corner of the mat.
  • Rotate your right knee directly over your right ankle, ensuring proper alignment and balance.
  • Bend your right knee, stacked directly over the ankle for balance.
  • Spread your weight evenly between both legs. Press down via the outer edge of your back foot.
  • Ensure the crown of your head is aligned with your pelvis and your shoulders are stacked over your hips.
  • Connect strongly through both arms toward the front and back of the mat, and bend your head to look outside your proper fingertips.
  • Hold the position for around 5–10 breaths.
  • To release the pose, exhale as you press down through your feet, then inhale and straighten your legs. Return your feet parallel, facing the long left side of the mat.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Read More – Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose): Steps, Benefits & Variations for Strength & Stability

Warrior II Against a Wall

Virabhadrasana 2 can be done with a wall. For better stability:-

  • Wall for Stability: The Warrior 2 pose can be performed with a wall. The wall’s support will provide extra balance and stability during the pose.
  • Block Between Shin and Wall: Place a block between your front shin and the wall for added support.
  • Knee Alignment: Practicing Warrior II with a wall helps ensure your front knee doesn’t extend past your ankle, promoting better form and reducing the risk of injury.

Warrior II Using a Chair

  • You can also perform this with a chair to add one more variation to the Virabhadrasana 2.
  • Begin by sitting on the border of a chair.
  • Then, move your thighs into the Warrior II alignment, as detailed above.
  • Extend your arms parallel to the ground, or position your hands on your hips for support.

Key Tips for the Beginner

Newbie yoga practitioners who want to try this asana should follow the steps with some tips;-

  1. Knee Alignment Over Angle: While experienced practitioners may bend their front knee to a 90-degree angle or aim to bring the front thigh parallel to the mat, this is not a strict requirement. The key focus should be on knee alignment rather than the exact angle.
  1. Prevent Knee Collapsing Inward: The most crucial aspect is preventing your front knee from collapsing inward toward the center of the mat. This misalignment can lead to strain or injury.
  1. Guide Knee Toward Little Toe: To maintain proper alignment, gently draw your front knee toward the little toe side of your foot.

The Best Time to Practise Virabhadrasana Aasan

The best time to do any Sadhana (Practice) is Brahma Muhurat, which is between 03:40 AM and 5:20 PM.

Hence, the best time to practice Virabhadrasana is early in the morning. However, if one cannot do it in the morning, they can substitute it in the evening between 4 PM and 6 PM.

Virabhadrasana 2 Benefits

Warrior 2 is an excellent asana for many reasons. Whether you practice it alone or as part of a series, discovering your perfect form in this Asana has multiple benefits; let’s explore each benefit in detail:-  

1. Strengthen the Legs

Warrior 2 is partially a grounding pose. You must stand firmly planted on the ground, with your legs spread wide and one bent at the knee. Holding this position briefly strengthens the hamstrings, quads, and adductors.

2. Opens the Hips, Chest, and Shoulders 

Long-term sitting can cause strain and serious musculoskeletal issues, as well as tightening the hips, rounding the shoulders, and closing the chest. Warrior 2 is an ideal pose for stretching and opening these areas. Try it at the end of a workday or on a quick break to improve posture. 

3. Flexing the Hips

While it is unnecessary to place the entire upper body weight on the hips, adjusting the hips with the alignment of the shoulders and feet will improve flexibility with practice. The hips take the lower part of the body into the profound expansion of the legs, strengthening them and making them flexible.

4. Cures Infertility

The Warrior II is beneficial for couples dealing with infertility issues. It strengthens the core, legs, and lower body and explicitly targets the “Sacral chakra” associated with the reproductive system.

5. Stimulation of the Internal Organs

It will help to slightly block blood flow at the knees and increase blood flow towards the upper body. This blood supply benefits the intestines, liver, and stomach, thus stimulating the entire abdominal area and its internal organs.

6. Heals Lower Back Pain 

This pose is a great way to recover stiffness around the lower back close to the hips. Stretching the muscles around the lower back, with the hips flexing, expands them, thus reducing tightness and stiffness and healing one from back pain and a rigid lower back.

7. During Pregnancy 

The Virabhadrasana II pose involves pulling muscles for an extended duration, boosting endurance and flexibility, and enhancing overall strength. That is why it is recommended to be practiced during pregnancy.

8. Boosts Concentration and Stamina

Since stability and strength are essential to this pose, repeated practice of Virabhadrasana II boosts concentration and stamina, making it more beautiful and easy.

9. Awareness of the Body to Maintain Balance 

Like most poses, Virabhadrasana II requires controlled and rhythmic breathing to bring awareness to the body. This awareness helps improve posture and, hence, master the pose gradually.

10. Activates the Chakra

Warrior II helps activate many chakras in the body. The pose promotes the Sacral chakra (Svadishthana chakra). Practicing this posture links a person to his most accurate vibration, which also exists in energy centers. It also boosts the Muladhara chakra( root). Energizing this chakra helps ground the person, providing the inner stability to encounter life’s challenges.

11. Other Benefits

  • Inner Strength: The Virabhadrasana II represents the inner strength and determination to face life’s challenges gracefully.
  • Presence and Focus: This pose encourages the person to be fully present. The gaze is either directed forward or a little up. Keeping the person in the present moment means we are entirely present.
  • Energy like a warrior: This pose encourages people to access their inner warrior energy, Which gives them the strength to overcome the barriers of life’s journey.
  • Balance: The Warrior 2 pose maintains balance, reflecting the yogic philosophy of finding harmony between opposing forces and qualities.

Contraindications of Virabhadrasana

Virabhadrasana II is a diverse and powerful yoga pose that helps improve strength, flexibility, and focus. While it is commonly accessible for most practitioners, certain precautions and contraindications should be taken, especially for those with specific health concerns.

1. Knee and Ankle Pain

Virabhadrasana II requires excellent body stability and balance, so the knees should be flexible. Hence, if a knee injury occurs, one should avoid this pose.

2. Hip Injuries

People who have hip injuries should approach the pose very gently and slowly. Because the hip opening could strain or worsen existing issues.

3. Lower Back Problems

While performing the Virabhadrasana, avoid strain on the lower back, and always try to engage your core to support the spine.

4. Heart Patient

All standing poses can put a strain on the heart and should not be held for long by people with weak hearts or by those who have recently undergone heart surgery.

5. High Blood Pressure

Holding arms for a long time and focusing the gaze forward during the pose can increase (BP) blood pressure. People with such issues should avoid the pose.

6. Pregnant Women

This asana benefits pregnant women in their second and third months. We recommend practicing with wall support as required.

7. Balance Issues

Virabhadrasana 2 demands a sturdy and balanced foundation, so people with balance issues should practice near the wall.

Note: If you experience pain or discomfort while performing Virabhadrasana 2, consult an expert yoga master or a medical practitioner.

Read More – Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior III Pose): Benefits, Steps, Key Tips & Contraindications


Everyone aims to achieve courage, stamina, strength, and a calming balance. These qualities are already within us; it just takes awareness to bring them to the forefront.

Warrior II Pose is a powerful tool to unlock these qualities. So, grab your yoga mat and begin practicing regularly.

If you want to master this yoga pose, you can enroll in the 200 hour Yoga TTC at Rishikul Yogshal Rishikesh. You will learn to embrace the pose gracefully, use this guidance, and step along with your full potential like a true warrior.

Frequently Asked Questions:-

Question 1. What is Warrior 2 pose in Hindi?
The Hindi name for the Warrior II pose is Virabhadrasana II (वीरभद्रासन द्वितीय).

Question 2. Who should not do Virabhadrasana 2?
Virabhadrasana II requires excellent body stability and balance, so the knees should be strong and flexible. Therefore, if a knee injury occurs, one should avoid this pose.

Question 3. What are the spiritual benefits of Warrior 2? 
This pose is fantastic for summoning emotional courage and mental resolve to face life’s battles. It is very grounding, connecting us firmly with the earth and bringing us into our bodies.

Question 4. How long to hold a warrior pose?
Starting in Warrior 2 with your right knee bent, turn the palm of your right hand to face the ceiling. As you inhale, lift your right arm to the ceiling, lower your left hand, slide it down your left leg and hold this pose for 30 seconds.

Rishikul Yogshala

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