Course Curriculum

What You Will Learn...

We believe in sharing Authentic Classical Yogic Practices to the world outside. Hence we have curated our Curriculum as per the guidelines set by Yoga Alliance USA and Yoga Alliance International. Each of our Yoga teachers are of International Repute and have years of personal practice imprinted behind their wisdom. We provide online yoga teacher training classes from experts at affordable cost.

"Our Curriculum ensures that our students don’t just get to practice Yoga, but Experience Yoga in its purest form."

 Yoga Course in Rishikesh

85 Hour Pre & Postnatal Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

  • Importance of Yoga in Pregnancy
  • Role of a teacher in Prenatal Yoga
  • Different Stages in Pregnancy
  • Understanding & creating the foundation of different Practices
  • How Yoga practices can make your delivery Safe and Smooth?
  • How can Yoga aid in Normal Delivery?
  • Overview of Practices in the various phases of Pregnancy
  • Preparation for conception
  • Knowing your Pregnancy
  • Understanding Fertility Issues and addressing them
  • Miscarriages & Abortion, Complications & Conditions
  • Understanding Safe & Unsafe Practices in various stages of pregnancy
  • Importance of Fetus Talk in Pregnancy
  • Labour and Delivery
  • Modifications of asana with Props/ Restorative Practices/ Modified Slow paced yoga during and after Pregnancy
  • Precaution and Contraindications of Asana
  • Simple Adjustment & Alignment for Pregnancy
  • Practices includes -
  • Warm-up
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Standing Asana
  • Sitting Asana
  • Supine Asana
  • Twisting Asana
  • Kneeling Asana
  • Forward Bending Asana
  • Backward Bending Asana
  • Relaxation
  • Labour Pose for Child Birth
  • Menstrual Cycle & Female reproductive System
  • How Conception happens
  • Fetal development
  • Hormonal Changes during Pregnancy
  • Anatomical and Physiological Changes during 1st, 2nd & 3rd Trimesters of Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy related Complications and conditions
  • Post- Partum Physiological Changes
  • Importance of Garbha Samskara
  • Mantra for overall wellbeing of Mother & Fetus
  • Mantra for Overcoming Pain
  • Mantra for Gaining Mental strength
  • Understanding the Bandhas and its importance
  • Understanding the Mudras and its importance
  • Difference between Mudra, Bandha and Kegel Practice
  • Practice of Different Mudras & Bandhas
  • Kegel Practice
  • Incorporating Bandha Practices in Pranayama
  • Incorporating Mudra Practices in Pranayama & Meditation
  • Mudra Practice for Normal Delivery Process
  • Why Pranayama is Important during Pregnancy
  • Therapeutic aspect of Pranayama
  • How the various Pranayama in the 3 trimester phase, helps a mother to find balance
  • How Pranayama takes care of Hormonal changes in Body
  • Learning Different techniques of Pranayama with variations
  • How to prepare the body for labour through breath awareness
  • Why Meditation is Important in Pregnancy
  • Understanding the benefit of Meditation in different trimesters
  • Different Techniques of Meditation and practices
  • Visualization aspect of Meditation during pregnancy
  • Introduction to Yoga Nidra
  • Importance of Yoga Nidra during Pregnancy
  • Different Techniques of Yoga Nidra
  • Practices during different stages of pregnancy
  • Importance of Nutrition and diet during Pregnancy
  • Understanding the requirements of Nutrition in different stages of Pregnancy
  • Healthy & unhealthy weight gain and its impact
  • How to choose wisely the right food habit during pregnancy
  • Conceive a Child as per your Desire - A Philosophical Aspect
  • Yama and Niyama - A Key to Successful Delivery
  • Pancha Kosha and its Impact on Pregnancy
  • How Lifestyle plays a vital role in pregnancy – Food, Sleep, Emotional Life and Fear
  • How do you connect with your Baby before and after birth?
  • Postnatal Care of New Mother and Baby
  • PPD – Post Partum Depression and its Solution
  • Various practices to reconnect with your body after delivery
  • How slowly get into Postnatal Practices to build up strength and stamina in the body back to normal
  • Trimester specific lesson plans
  • Discussion about General sequencing
  • Guidelines for Yoga asanas, modifications, and contraindications
  • Teaching Practices
  • Assessments/Group Discussions/Case Study/Videos
200 Hour Yoga  Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

  • What is Hatha yoga?
  • Surya Namaskar with mantra awareness
  • Sukshma Vyama ( joints and glands exercise)
  • Standing series of asana
  • Kneeling series of asana
  • Sitting series of asana
  • Lying on stomach series of Asana
  • Supine series of asana
  • Inversion series of asana
  • Asana benefits and its contra-indications
  • Primary Series explanation
  • What is Vinyasa?
  • 9 Drishti in Ashtanga series
  • Importance of Ujjai and Bandhas in series
  • Chest breathing v/s diaphragmatic breathing
  • What are Prana and Pranayama mean?
  • Types of Pranayama practice
  • What is Nadi?
  • What are Ida, Pingala and Sushmana?
  • Seven main practices of Pranayama
  • Importance of Mudra according to Hatha Yoga
  • Types of Mudra
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra
  • Practicum of Ashwini Mudra
  • Physical, Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Mudra
  • What is Darshanam?
  • What is Yoga?
  • The five kosha (bodies)
  • The four faculties of mind –field
  • Five Stages of Mind -Field
  • The four foundational Pillars of life
  • Eight limbs of Yoga of Patanjali
  • What is waking state in Yogic Science?
  • What is dreaming state in Yogic Science?
  • What is Deep sleep state in Yogic Science?
  • What is Yogic Anatomy and physiology?
  • Introduction of the respiratory system and yogic breathing
  • How asana practices give various effects on joints, spine and muscular system?
  • Types of contraction in the muscular system
  • Know the basic studies aspects of yoga and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes
  • What is Meditation?
  • What is the difference between Dharana and Dhyana?
  • What are types of Meditation
  • Breath Awareness Meditation
  • Mantra Awareness Meditation
  • Candle and Inner Light Meditation
  • Full moon Meditation
  • What is Yoga Nidra?
  • What is sleep?
  • Four states of consciousness
  • Benefits of deep sleep
  • Yoga Nidra practices from Satyananda tradition
  • How Yoga Nidra practices cure insomnia problems?
  • Adjusting in Shavansana
  • Six steps of doing Asana correctly
  • The fundamentals of practicing side extension, forward extension, backward extension and revolving action
  • How to correct postures verbally and by hands on adjustments Modifying the asana
  • Various limitation, contra-indications and benefits of yoga asana
  • Introduction of Shat Kriya according to Hatha Yoga
  • Practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucus or blockages from nasal passages and sinus)
  • Introduction of Mantra yoga
  • Significance of (OM)-AUM
  • Mantra for Meal Purification
  • Mantra for Obstacles
  • Mantra for universal masters to bless
  • Mantra for Realization
  • Mantra for well being
  • Disciplines of yoga teachers and students in yoga ashrams
  • The scope of listening, presence, directive and non-directive dialogue
  • How important is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for classroom?
  • How to sequence the class?
  • How to describe the practice, techniques, and delivery in teaching a class?
  • Discussion on different types of lesson planning
300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

  • Hatha Yoga – Intermediate Series and its Variations
  • Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
  • Advance Series Of Joints And Glands Exercise
  • Twisting Series Of Asana
  • Restorative asanas practices
  • Workshop on Inversion Asana
  • Asana classes according to Patanjali
  • Intense primary series practice (Mysore and lead class)
  • Introduction to Intermediate series
  • Vinyasa workshop
  • Guidelines for each asana
  • Why No Practice on Full & New Moon day
  • Introduction of bandhas and its application in Pranayama
  • Practicum of four bandhas
  •           Mula Bandha
  •           Uddiyan Bandha
  •           Jalandhar Bandha
  •           Maha bandha
  • Intensity of Kumbhaka ( Breath Retention )
  • Importance Of Sushumna
  • Nature And Activities Of Ida, Pingala & Sushumna
  • Seven pranayama practices (advance practice)
  •           Kapalbhati Pranayama
  •           Sheetali Pranayama
  •           Bhastrika Pranayama
  •           Sheetkari Pranayama
  •           Ujjai Pranayama
  •           Brahmari Pranayama
  •           Nadi Shodhna Pranayama
  • Practicum of Asana Mudra
  • Practicum of Prana Mudra
  • Practicum of Psychic Mudra
  •           Preparation of Mudra for Bandha
  •           Meaning of Yoga Mudra
  • Study of Yoga in connection with Gita
  • Study of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga
  • Karma And Non-Attachment In Yogic Dimensions
  • Four Level Of Consciousness
  • Keys to Successful Living In Yogic Science
  • The State of 3 Gunas and its Impact on us
  • 6 Main Obstacles In The Path Of Yoga
  • Samadhi and Its Study
  • Review of Digestive System and Respiratory System
  • Shankprashalana Effective Practice for cleaning the digestive track
  • Impact of Asana On Muscular and skeletal system
  • Anatomy of Glandular system And Its Connections To Chakras
  • Anatomy of Nervous System With Understanding of Nadi And Pranic Currents
  • Obstacles In Meditation
  • Witnessing Meditation
  • Chakra Awareness Meditation
  • Root Mantra Awareness Meditation
  • Third Eye Meditation
  • 4 important meditative postures
  • Introduction of Ajapa Japa
  • Role of Yoga Nidra in Developing Intuition
  • Yoga Nidra Practices From Satyananda Tradition
  • Yoga Nidra and Its Common Assumptions
        Ashtanga Primary Series Work Shop -
  • Workshop on Standing Asana
  • Workshop on Seating Asana
  • Workshop on Core Series
  • Workshop on Back Bends
  • Workshop on Closing Series
  • Hands on Adjustment and Modifications of Asana - Primary Series
  • Practicum of Trataka (Cleansing and Preparation for Concentration and Improves Eye Sight through Candle Light)
  • Introduction and Discussion on Shankprashalana for Cleaning Of Lower Abdomen
  • Practicum of Kunjal Kriya
  • Practicum of Agnisar Kriya and Nauli Kriya
  • Building a Social Relationship between Teachers and Students
  • Inspiring and Motivating In Difficult Situation
  • Developing confidence while teaching and sharing the Yogic Practices
  • Inculcating a Multi Style Lesson Plan and Instructing Skills
  • Benefits and Limitations
  • Delivering an Effective Feedback to Aspirant
 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

Part - 1

  • What is Hatha yoga?
  • Surya Namaskar with mantra awareness
  • Sukshma Vyama (joints and glands exercise)
  • Standing series of asana
  • Kneeling series of asana
  • Sitting series of asana
  • Lying on stomach series of Asana
  • Supine series of asana
  • Inversion series of asana
  • Asana benefits and its contra-indication

Part - 2

  • Hatha Yoga – Intermediate sequence
  • Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)
  • Advance Series Of Joints And Glands Exercise
  • Twisting Series Of Asana
  • Restorative asanas
  • Workshop on Inversion Asana
  • Asana according to Patanjali

Part - 1

  • Primary Series explanation
  • What is Vinyasa?
  • 9 Drishti in Ashtanga series
  • Importance of Ujjai and Bandhas in series

Part - 2

  • Intense primary series practice (Mysore and lead class)
  • Introduction to Intermediate series
  • Vinyasa workshop
  • Guidelines for each asana
  • Why No Practice on Full & New Moon day

Part – 1

  • What is Darshanam?
  • What is Yoga?
  • The five kosha (bodies)
  • The four faculties of mind –field
  • Five Stages of Mind -Field
  • The four foundational Pillars of life
  • Eight limbs of Yoga of Patanjali
  • What is waking state in Yogic Science?
  • What is dreaming state in Yogic Science?
  • What is Deep sleep state in Yogic Science?

Part – 2

  • Study of yoga in connection with Bhagvad Geeta
  • Study of Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Janana Yoga
  • Study of Yoga in connection with Gita
  • Karma And Non-Attachment In Yogic Dimensions
  • Four Level Of Consciousness
  • Keys to Successful Living In Yogic Science
  • The State of 3 Gunas and its Impact on us
  • 6 Main Obstacles In The Path Of Yoga
  • Samadhi and Its Stud

Part – 1

  • What is Meditation?
  • What is the difference between Dharana and Dhyana?
  • What are types of Meditation
  • Breath Awareness Meditation
  • Contemplative Walking Meditation
  • Mantra Awareness Meditation
  • Candle and Inner Light Meditation
  • Full moon Meditation

Part – 2

  • Obstacles In Meditation
  • Witnessing Meditation
  • Chakra Awareness Meditation
  • Root Mantra Awareness Meditation
  • Third Eye Meditatin
  • 4 important meditative postures
  • Introduction of AJapa Japa


  • Chest breathing v/s diaphragmatic breathings
  • What are Prana and Pranayama mean?
  • Types of Pranayama practices
  • What is Nadi?
  • What are Ida and Pingala?
  • Seven main practices of Pranayama


  • Introduction of bandhas and its application in Pranayama
  • Practicum of four bandhas
  •         1. Mula Bandha
  •         2. Uddiyan Bandha
  •         3. Jalandhar Bandha
  •         4. Maha bandha
  • Intensity of Kumbhaka ( Breath Retention )
  • Importance Of Sushumna
  • Nature And Activities Of Ida, Pingala & Sushumna
  • Seven practices of Pranayama (Advance Yoga Teacher Training )
  •         1. Kapalbhati Pranayama
  •         2. Sheetali Pranayama
  •         3. Bhastrika Pranayama
  •         4. Sheetkari Pranayama
  •         5. Ujjai Pranayama
  •         6. Brahmari Pranayama
  •         7. Nadi Shodhna Pranayama


  • Chest breathing v/s diaphragmatic breathings
  • What are Prana and Pranayama mean?
  • Types of Pranayama practices
  • What is Nadi?
  • What are Ida and Pingala?
  • Seven main practices of Pranayama


  • Introduction of Bandhas and its application in Pranayama
  • Importance of Sushumna
  • Nature and activities of Ida, Pingala and Sushumna
  • Practicum of four Bandhas
  • According to Hatha Yoga Text
  • Mula Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Maha Bandha
  • Kapalbhati Pranayama
  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • Sheetakari Pranayama
  • Ujjayi Pranayama
  • Brahmari Pranayama
  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

Part - 1

  • What is Yogic Anatomy and physiology?
  • Introduction of the respiratory system and yogic breathing
  • How asana practices give various effects on joints, spine and muscular system?
  • Types of contraction in the muscular system
  • Know the basic studies and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes

Part - 2

  • Review of Digestive System and Respiratory System
  • Shankprashalana Effective Practice for cleaning the digestive track
  • Impact of Asana On Muscular and skeletal system
  • Anatomy of Glandular system And Its Connections To Chakras
  • Anatomy of Nervous System With Understanding of Nadi And Pranic Currents

Part - 1

  • Six steps of doing Asana correctly
  • Foundational workshop on lateral, forward, backward and twisting asanas
  • How to make mind flexible by making body flexible?
  • How to use of props for protection?
  • Alternative style of Asana for various benefits
  • Various limitations and contra-indications of specific yoga practices

Part - 2

        Ashtanga Primary Series Work Shop -

  • Workshop on Standing Asana
  • Workshop on Seating Asana
  • Workshop on Core Series
  • Workshop on Back Bends
  • Workshop on Closing Series
  • Hands on Adjustment and Modifications of Asana - Primary Series

Part - 1

  • Introduction of Mantra yoga
  • Importance of (OM)-AUM
  • Mantra for Meal Purification
  • Mantra for Obstacles
  • Mantra for universal masters to bless
  • Mantra for Realization
  • Mantra for well being

Part - 2

  • Introduction of Ajapa Japa
  • Importance of So-HUM
  • Invocation Mantra for Patanjali
  • Mantra for Completeness
  • Mantra for Awakening Wisdom
  • Mantra for Fearlessness Life
  • Mantra for Divine Love between Teacher & Student


  • Importance of Mudra according to Hatha Yoga
  • Types of Mudra
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra
  • Practicum of Ashwini Mudra
  • Physical, Mental and Spiritual Benefits of Mudra


  • Practicum of Asana Mudra
  • Practicum of Prana Mudra
  • Practicum of Psychic Mudra
  • Preparation of Mudra for Bandha
  • Meaning of Yoga Mudra

part - 1

  • What is sleep?
  • Three states of consciousness
  • Benefits of deep sleep
  • What is Yoga Nidra?
  • Yoga Nidra practices from Satyananda tradition
  • Yoga Nidra practices from Bihar School of Yoga and Himalayan Tradition

part - 2

  • Role of Yoga Nidra in Developing Intuition
  • Yoga Nidra Practices From Satyananda Tradition
  • Yoga Nidra and Its Common Assumptions
  • Adjusting in Shavasana

part - 1

  • Introduction of Shat Kriyas according to classical Hatha Yoga
  • Practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucus or blockages from nasal passages and sinus)

part - 2

  • Practicum of Trataka (Cleansing And Preparation For Concentration And Improves Eye Sight Through Candle Light)
  • Introduction and Discussion on Shankaprashalana For Cleaning Of Lower Abdomen
  • Practicum of Agnisar Kriya and Nauli Kriya
  • Practicum of Kunjal Kriya

part - 1

  • Disciplines of yoga teachers and students
  • The scope of listening, presence, directive and non-directive dialogue
  • How important is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for classroom?
  • How to describe the practice, techniques, and delivery in teaching a class?
  • Discussion on different types of lesson planning

part - 2

  • Building a Social Relationship between Teachers and Students
  • Inspiring and Motivating In Difficult Situation
  • Developing confidence while teaching and sharing the Yogic Practices
  • Inculcating a Multi Style Lesson Plan and Instructing Skills
  • Benefits and Limitations
  • Delivering an Effective Feedback to Aspirants

Workshops Curriculum
 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Curriculum

Workshops Curriculum

Ayurvedic Curriculum

yoga ttc rishikesh


  • What is Ayurveda ?
  • Why Ayurveda and yoga are co sisters in the path of good health?
  • Fundamentals of body constitutions in Ayurveda 
  • Concept of metabolic Toxins in Ayurvedic science 
  • Practical Concept of Panchakarma in  Ayurveda 
  • Practical Idea of Six tastes in Ayurveda
  • Understanding the major seven important tissues for better transformations
  • The concept of Agni (Digestive Fire)
  • The concept of Ayurvedic Idea of  Nutrition
  • Concept of Seasonal Routines to adopt for better  lifestyle 


  • Stress releasing facial massage techniques
  • Basic idea of Marma points
  • Two Ayurvedic cooking practices for better lifestyle
  • Three best herbal detox drinks to boost immunity
  • Local Treatment method for Lower back pain
  • Basic practical idea of Pulse Reading method in Ayurveda 
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Join Our YTTC Course With Additional Workshops Enhancing Yogic Dimension

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