Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Vinyasa Yoga Poses

Boost Your Strength and Flexibility With These Vinyasa Yoga Poses

Vinyasa yoga — a moving meditation that helps unlock the natural flow of energy and trapped tension in the body. In order to maintain our equilibrium with the rhythm of life, Vinyasa yoga is a tool that enables us to apply the practice of yoga to our jobs, relationships, and personal development. So what are the Vinyasa yoga poses and

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The Life of a Certified Yoga Teacher

You must have overheard multiple yoga instructors praising formal yoga training. They claim that getting certified made their lives better. But who is qualified to train as a yoga teacher? Does certification provide any real benefits? Truth be told, if someone is committed and serious about pursuing a career in yoga, they should start by becoming a certified yoga teacher.

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What Makes Yoga in India Stand Apart from the West?

What Makes Yoga in India Stand Apart from the West?

History of Yoga In India Yoga in India is an age-old practice that aims to achieve the highest well-being for your body, mind, and soul.  Committed gurus and yogis have nurtured this ancient practice over the centuries, and its teachings have been passed down through generations! Yoga in India is a traditional Indian Yoga practice.  We will highlight what makes

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Yoga Poses to Increase Height

Want to Grow Taller? Try These 9 Yoga Poses to Increase Height

Have you ever caught yourself wondering — “I wish I was a little taller”? Numerous genetic and non-genetic variables, including diet and environmental circumstances, influence our height. But what if you still want to get taller? Is there a natural technique to get taller? You might be shocked to learn that yoga can also be used to increase your height.

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Cat Pose Chronicles: Tapping into the Mystical Powers of Agility and Intuition

Cat Pose Chronicles: Tapping into the Mystical Powers of Agility and Intuition

Introduction – Cat Pose (Marjariasana) Mārjarīāsana is derived from the Sanskrit words Marjari means “Cat” and asana means “Meditative Pose”. While performing this asana, the body resembles a cat. The Ancient yogis after spending countless hours in the wild, developed these postures, identifying qualities that made these animals unique. The cat symbolizes self-confidence, reassurance, independence, curiosity, and mystery. This pose

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Corpse Pose - The Ultimate Guide to a Blissful and Calm Mind Every Day

Corpse Pose – The Ultimate Guide to a Blissful and Calm Mind Every Day

We live in a fast-paced world where finding peace can become difficult. Our minds are constantly bombarded with thoughts that lead to stress and anxiety. However, practicing the corpse pose, also known as savasana, can help make your mind calm and help you build peace.  What Is Corpse Pose Yoga?  The corpse pose is an essential pose in yogic practice.

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Pranayama: A Simple Guide to Cleansing Your Body and Mind

Pranayama: A Simple Guide to Cleansing Your Body and Mind

Pranayama is an essential part of yoga that links the external and internal consciousness of every human being. Besides taking care of the physical aspect through conscious breathing, It also helps increase mental peace and focus. Additionally, the spiritual element of Pranayama, which connects the practitioner to the Supreme Consciousness, is not unheard of these days. Undoubtedly, It is ranked

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Importance of Diet in Meditation and Yoga Asana

Importance of Diet in Meditation and Yoga Asana

Exploring the Essentials of a Meditation and Yoga Diet Meditation and Yoga Asana are ancient practices from India that are known worldwide for their many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Meditation and Yoga practices are closely connected to how we live and what we eat. A balanced meditation and yoga diet enhances your overall practice. Most people think about the

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Types of Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Different Types of Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Introduction – Yoga Teacher Training: Yoga is becoming an integral part of the lives of people all over the world because of its numerous physical, mental and spiritual benefits. As a result, the demand for qualified yoga teachers, especially those who have learned and practiced Yoga in India, has also increased. If you are a yoga enthusiast and aspire to

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Unlocking the Benefits of Half Frog Pose

Unlocking the Benefits of Half Frog Pose

Introduction – Half Frog Pose Welcome to the wonderful world of yoga, where each pose is like a treasure chest brimming with physical, mental, and spiritual riches. Among these treasures lies Half Frog Pose, also known as Ardha Bhekasana, a gem of a posture that not only works wonders for your body but also nourishes your soul.  In this comprehensive

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Superman Pose

The Ultimate Guide to the Superman Pose: Benefits, Steps, and Precautions

Introduction – Superman Pose Have you ever wanted to feel like a superhero? Look no further than the “Superman Pose,” an amazing yoga posture that strengthens and stretches the muscles of the shoulders, chest, legs, arms, lower back, and abdomen. The original name of this pose in Sanskrit is “Viparita Shalabhasana” and it is also known as the “Inverted Locust

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Bakasana Beyond Basics: Exploring Crow Pose and its Variations

Bakasana Beyond Basics: Exploring Crow Pose and its Variations

Yoga has been a source of physical and mental well-being for centuries, leading practitioners to a path of balance, strength, and inner peace. Many ancient scriptures and texts describe various yoga asanas which are considered extremely beneficial. One of these beneficial yoga poses that is known for its unique challenges and benefits is Bakasana. In this article, we will learn

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Yoga School in Rishikesh

Introduction – Yoga School in Rishikesh Yoga, the union of mind, body, and soul, has indeed been the priority interest of most people who are conscious about healthy living for themselves or wish to become a successful yoga teacher and teach it to others. Whatever your goal is, pursuing yoga teacher training in India can be a great option to

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Yoga for Kids

Yoga For Kids: 9 Easy & Beneficial Yoga Poses for Kids

Introduction – Yoga For Kids The majority of a child’s time is divided between extracurricular activities and schoolwork. There isn’t much free time for recreation. Early on in childhood, they are exposed to excessive stimulation, diversions, and peer and academic pressure. Additionally, they are troubled by their own anxieties and insecurities. Children who struggle in this highly competitive atmosphere may

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Enhance Your Yoga Practice: Deepen Your Connection with Seed Mantras

Enhance Your Yoga Practice: Deepen Your Connection with Seed Mantras

One sees a connection of the mind, body, and soul in yoga. While yoga poses and breathwork are standard practices, another aspect often overlooked is the practice of seed mantras. These chakra seed sounds help to enhance the yogic journey. In this blog, let’s explore the fundamentals of Seed Mantras, how to connect with the chakras, and how to apply

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Unleashing Your Inner Cobra: The Significance and Advantages of Bhujangasana

Unleashing Your Inner Cobra: The Significance and Advantages of Bhujangasana

Introduction – Bhujangasana The name Bhujaṅgāsana is derived from the Sanskrit words Bhujanga means “Snake” or “Cobra” and asana means “Meditative Pose“. This pose resembles a cobra with its hood raised. Symbolically this pose encourages developing your self-awareness.  The snake relies on its surroundings and its vibrations and uses it as a compass to find its direction. It reminds us

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How To Design and Structure Your Hatha Yoga Classes

Structuring and Sequencing of Hatha Yoga Practices Yoga class sequences come in different styles, shapes and sizes. Every form, such as Iyengar Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Viniyoga, Bikram, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa etc, has its own ideas about how to sequence a practice. Understanding how to design a Hatha yoga class is essential for creating effective and balanced sessions. In Hatha yoga

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Butterfly pose

Butterfly Pose in Yoga: How Does It Help in Improving Your Health?

Introduction – Butterfly Yoga Pose The classic hip extension butterfly pose is also called the cobbler pose or bound angle pose. Because the pose reduces tension and improves flexibility, it is ideal for people with tight hips from excessive sitting or intense exercise. It also promotes a sense of peace and encourages inner awareness; lets us get in touch with

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