Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

proper way to do Virasana and common mistakes to avoid

The Proper Way To Do Virasana and Common Mistakes To Avoid

Introduction Rishikesh, the yoga center of the world, is situated in the serene foothills of the Himalayas. Famous for its spiritual vibrancy and vibrant yoga culture, this charming city attracts tourists from all over the world. One of the most important and helpful postures taught in Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is Virasana. The Hero Pose, or Virasana, is a kneeling

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What is Quarter Lotus Pose and its Variation

What is Quarter Lotus Pose and its Variation?

In the realm of yoga, finding comfort and ease in various poses is an ongoing journey. The Quarter Lotus Pose is one such pose that provides a gateway to more profound practice. In the vast landscape of yoga, each pose serves as a gateway to deeper understanding and self-awareness. Among these, the Quarter Lotus Pose stands out as a gentle

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Purna Matsyendrasana

Purna Matsyendrasana: Step-by-Step Instructions, Benefits and Contraindications

Purna Matsyendrasana, also known as the “Full Spinal Twist Pose,” is a variation of Matsyendrasana. This asana indicates the whole twist that engages the entire spine. Traditionally, advanced yogis practice Purna Matsyendrasana to increase spiritual energy, purify the body, and open the mind. Performing Full Spinal Twist Pose, can be tricky, but the rewards are well worth the effort. This

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How Important Is The Demonstration In Yoga?

Yoga practices are more popular in the twenty-first century among the general public compared to earlier times. However, many people are still in doubt about the benefits and methods of doing yoga asanas. Therefore, yoga teachers need to learn demonstration techniques in yoga to attract more audience and convey an appropriate message to beginners. Effective demonstration in yoga is crucial

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benefits of meditation

8 Benefits of Meditation That Everyone Should Know

If you are stressed, anxious, tense, and worried, just a few minutes of meditation can help you restore your peace. Meditation trains your mind to redirect your thoughts and focus. Slowly, but surely people are discovering the benefits of meditation. Incorporating benefits of meditation into your daily routine can lead to greater clarity, improved mental health, and a more balanced

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Triangle pose (trikonasana pose)

One Yoga For Your Mind & Body? Try the Trikonasana Pose (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana is a standing posture asanas used in the practice of Hatha Yoga. The words Tri refer to three and Kona refers to corners. Trikonasana, thus, means “Three Corners”. The ultimate position is said to resemble a triangle created by the torso, upper limbs, and lower limbs, hence the name. Trikonasana primarily concentrates on side stretching of the body. It

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Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

7 Benefits of Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Yoga is a practice that can change all dimensions of your life, from physical health to emotional stability, mental well-being, spiritual connection, and many more. If you wish to take Yoga as a profession, you must know the benefits of becoming a certified yoga teacher.  This article highlights the 7 benefits of becoming a Yoga Teacher and its positive impact

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5 Things To Consider When Buying Yoga Clothes

Finding the Right Fit: Tips for Yoga Clothing Yoga is a journey of self-realization and a celebration of you, your inner self, and your inner beauty so start with yourself when looking for yoga clothing. Whether you want to express yourself with neutral colors or bold, vibrant colors and patterns, you can choose Yoga Clothes that reflect your style and

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Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The Power of Pause: Child Pose in Yoga Practice

Introduction – Child Pose Yoga Asana Balasana, or Child Pose, is a restful yoga pose that is commonly used to stretch various parts of the body. It allows you to take a brief break and focus on your breath and also gives you the opportunity to check in with your physical and emotional well-being. Child Pose is often used in

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Why is the Yoga 200-hour TTC most preferred for beginners?

Why Is The Yoga 200 Hour TTC Most Preferred For Beginners?

Introduction: 200-Hour TTC Just as a strong building requires a solid groundwork, similarly mastering all aspects of yoga requires a strong foundation, which a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course provides. The 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course serves as an entry-level program, introducing newcomers to various aspects of holistic well-being. Participants explore physical fitness, flexibility, strength building, mindfulness practices, heightened awareness,

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Dolphin Pose - A Great Prep for Forearm Stand and Headstand

Dolphin Pose – A Great Prep for Forearm Stand and Headstand

Nestled in the foothills of the gorgeous Himalayas, Rishikesh is the ideal destination for yoga seekers, with the Ganges River flowing with ancient wisdom. Global enthusiasts gather here for life-changing encounters, frequently engaging in Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Of all the asanas included in a yogi’s practice, Dolphin Pose stands out as a fundamental asana. It is a strong

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Health Benefits of Vajrasana Pose and How to Do It

Health Benefits of Vajrasana Pose and How to Do It

Introduction – Vajrasana Benefits Looking for a way to relieve constipation and indigestion? Unlike most other yogas, you can practice the Vajrasana Posture after a meal. Apart from helping you with your digestion, there are a number of benefits of Vajrasana. Learn more about Vajrasana and other yoga asanas in our 200 hour yoga teacher training program TTC in Rishikul

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5 Reasons to Practice Viparita Karani Every Day

6 Reasons to Practice Viparita Karani Every Day

Yoga devotees set out on life-changing adventures in the center of the spiritual haven that is Rishikesh, where the Ganges River runs and the Himalayan foothills rise majestically. In Rishikesh, practitioners assemble for yoga teacher training as the sun rises over this holy country, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the age-old poses that feed the body as well

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Yoga for Kids

Yoga For Kids: 9 Easy & Beneficial Yoga Poses for Kids

Introduction – Yoga For Kids The majority of a child’s time is divided between extracurricular activities and schoolwork. There isn’t much free time for recreation. Early on in childhood, they are exposed to excessive stimulation, diversions, and peer and academic pressure. Additionally, they are troubled by their own anxieties and insecurities. Children who struggle in this highly competitive atmosphere may

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Improve Stress, Increase Achievement: Meditation for Exceptional Results

Improve Stress, Increase Achievement: Meditation for Exceptional Results

Best Meditation Techniques for Stress Relief and Mental Well-Being In this modern age and day, it is impossible to avoid emotions such as stress and anxiety. Regular stress and anxiety leave you in a negative cycle that can make you even more anxious and depressed. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate meditation into your routine to help manage and reduce

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Exploring the Lessons of Humility in the Practice of Yoga

Exploring the Lessons of Humility in the Practice of Yoga

The Role of Humility in Yoga Practice Yoga in today’s age and day is more than just a physical practice but a comprehensive approach to well-being with a deep philosophy. Beyond just asanas and poses, yoga imparts priceless like skills, humility being the most important. In the serene environment of Rishikesh that offers many Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh: including

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Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Introduction – Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose The word Śalabhāsana is derived from the “Shalabh” which means “Grasshopper” or “Locust” and asana means “Meditative Pose”. Locust is a symbol of longevity and they are associated with astral travel. They are a solitary animal that forms swarms when hunger or the quest for a habitat calls for it. There

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yoga Poses for Knee Pain

Take Control of Your Knee Pain with these 6 Yoga Poses for Knee Pain

Introduction – Yoga Poses for Knee Pain Your knees support you and help you move through the world, but they also assist cushion the impact of regular motions like jogging, leaping, and switching between poses in yoga. As a result, caring for your knees is essential. Sign up in our 300 hour yoga teacher training program and also get certified

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Five Pranayamas To Include In Your Everyday Exercise Routine

Five Pranayamas To Include In Your Everyday Exercise Routine

Introduction – Poweful Five Pranayamas Breathing is the first thing that brings life to the body and the last thing before life leaves. Normal breathing is enough to maintain an everyday life, but Pranayam takes it further. In Sanskrit, “Prana” means life force or energy, and “Yama” means control. So, Pranayam involves conscious regulation of the breath to increase the

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300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

500 Hour Yoga Teacher-Training Course Rishikesh

500 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh