Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 22 - 28 of 35 Results
more benefit Yoga Practice at home

The Ultimate Guide to Practicing Yoga at Home with Basic Poses

Introduction – Yoga at Home with Basic Poses In today’s everyday life, full of stress and tension, it is essential to find moments of relaxation and inner peace that rejuvenate and energize us. Yoga is the most reliable and effective way to achieve this; which has been around for centuries and is known for its effectiveness. Besides improving physical strength, …

Yoga for Digestion

Want Natural Digestive Relief? Try Out These 10 Yoga Poses for Digestion

In today’s age and day, there is a lot of competition, and stress and anxiety have become unwelcome companions that weaken physical health, especially the digestive system. Yoga for digestion is very good, and can lead to bettering of one’s physical and mental well-being. Yoga and meditation are ways to remove stress and enhance mood. This can ease the digestive …

types of yoga

10 Types of Yoga Every Yoga-Enthusiast Must Know

Yoga has a history of 5,000 years and includes many types of yoga asanas, for enhancing awareness, and meditation. It is certain that a particular type of yoga will suit you, from mild stretching to meditative breathing techniques. This guide will help you understand how many types of yoga asanas are there and how you can practice them β€” after …