Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 99 - 105 of 144 Results

Paschimottanasana: Benefits, Steps, Precaution, Tips, and More!

Introduction – Paschimottanasana Hatha yoga is one of the most famous forms of yoga you must have heard of Paschimottanasana is one of the classic poses of Hatha yoga that plays its magic on your entire back. It’s a beginner-level yoga pose so there’s nothing that can stop you from attempting it. However, remember not to overstretch and instead find …

Superman Pose

The Ultimate Guide to the Superman Pose: Benefits, Steps, and Precautions

Introduction – Superman Pose Have you ever wanted to feel like a superhero? Look no further than the “Superman Pose,” an amazing yoga posture that strengthens and stretches the muscles of the shoulders, chest, legs, arms, lower back, and abdomen. The original name of this pose in Sanskrit is “Viparita Shalabhasana” and it is also known as the “Inverted Locust …

Butterfly pose

Butterfly Pose in Yoga: How Does It Help in Improving Your Health?

Introduction – Butterfly Yoga Pose The classic hip extension butterfly pose is also called the cobbler pose or bound angle pose. Because the pose reduces tension and improves flexibility, it is ideal for people with tight hips from excessive sitting or intense exercise. It also promotes a sense of peace and encourages inner awareness; lets us get in touch with …

locust pose

Locust Pose (Salabhasana): Steps, Benefits, Tips, Precautions, and Variations Right From The Experts

What is the origin of the word “Salabhasana”? “Salabha” in Sanskrit refers to locusts. The locust pose in yoga appears to be a simple pose at one glance. The truth is, it takes a lot of muscular effort and flexibility to master this yoga asana. Salabhasana strengthens the muscle groups that arch your back, including the gluteus maximus, the hamstrings, …