Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 78 - 84 of 107 Results

Sarvangasana or Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

Introduction Sarvangasana is the posture in which the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. It is a part of Padma Sadhana Yoga that focuses on strengthening the arms, legs, and core while improving thyroid and general mental health. You may learn to perfect this asana along with several others with Rishikul’s 300-hour teacher training program offered by expert yogis …

Tree pose (vrikshasana)

Tree Pose or Vrksasana – How To Do It? What Are Its Benefits? Its Variations

Introduction – Vrksasana Vrksasana or Tree pose is a balancing asana that is taught to yoga beginners because it’s simple. This asana teaches you to feel rooted like a tree and, at the same time, stand tall like one as well. With Vrksasana you’ll feel grounded through the strength of the leg you are standing on.  Bringing the sole of …

Triangle pose (trikonasana pose)

One Yoga For Your Mind & Body? Try the Trikonasana Pose (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana is a standing posture asanas used in the practice of Hatha Yoga. The words Tri refer to three and Kona refers to corners. Trikonasana, thus, means β€œThree Corners”. The ultimate position is said to resemble a triangle created by the torso, upper limbs, and lower limbs, hence the name. Trikonasana primarily concentrates on side stretching of the body. It …