Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Showing: 43 - 49 of 107 Results
Harnessing the Power of Vātāyanāsana: A Journey to Flexibility and Strength

Harnessing the Power of Vātāyanāsana: A Journey to Flexibility and Strength

Vatayanasana is derived from two Sanskrit words-Β VatayaΒ means β€œHorse” and Asana means β€œPose”. This pose resembles the face of a horse. This pose benefits the body- mentally, physically and spiritually.Β  It targets the upper body, leg muscles, and knee joints and also improves the flexibility of the body. The practice of Vatayanasana improves blood circulation in the hip joints and corrects …

From Asana to Meditation: The Spiritual Journey of Rājakapotāsana

From Asana to Meditation: The Spiritual Journey of Rajakapotāsana

Introduction – Rajakapotasana Yoga Pose Rajakapotasana is an advanced yoga pose derived from the Sanskrit words Raja (king), Kapot (pigeon), and asana (posture). This pose is performed in a seated position. This pose translates to β€˜One–Legged King Pigeon’. In this pose the back is bent and the chest puffs up resembling the stance of a pigeon. This variation of a …

Breathing Through the Feathers: The Importance of Breath in Duck Pose

Breathing Through the Feathers: The Importance of Breath in Duck Pose

Introduction – Himalayan Duck Pose Kāraṇḍavāsana also called Waterfowl Posture or Himalayan Duck Pose derived its name from two Sanskrit words, Karandava (Goosander or Merganser) and Asana (Pose). This pose is a combination of three poses, namely Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose), Bala Kakasana (Baby Crow Pose) and Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Duck symbolism is closely connected with your emotional state, …

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Monkeying Around: The Physical and Mental Benefits of Hanuman PoseΒ 

Hanumanasana is derived from the Sanskrit words Hanuman means – a divine Individual and state of Consciousness in the Hinduism Culture called Hanuman and asana means Pose. Hanuman Pose gives flexibility of body, boundless vitality, determined will power, and dynamic concentration of mind. Hanuman is the famous monkey king of the Ramayana. Those who have read the epic might be …

The Butterfly Effect: How Baddhakonasana Transforms Your Physical, Psychic, and Emotional Health

The Butterfly Effect: How Baddhakonasana Transforms Your Physical, Psychic, and Emotional Health

Introduction – Baddhakonasana / Butterfly Pose The name Baddhakoṇāsana is derived from the Sanskrit words Baddha meaning “Bound”, KoαΉ‡a meaning “Angle”and asana meaning “Meditative Pose”. Baddhakonasana is widely known as β€œButterfly Pose” as the pose resembles a bird called β€˜Titali’ (Butterfly). In the Butterfly Pose, the movement of the legs during the posture gives the appearance of a butterfly flapping …

Ustrasana Using: the Camel's Strength for Physical and Spiritual Mastery

Ustrasana: the Camel’s Strength for Physical and Spiritual Mastery

Introduction – Camel Pose Ustrasana is derived from Sanskrit words UαΉ£αΉ­ra meaning “Camel” and Δ€sana meaning “Meditative Pose”. The camel is among the strongest animals that ever walked on earth; a yoga pose that assimilates it in the spirit of the camel, gives just that… The Heightened Endurance. The asana is known to fix Cardiovascular Disorders, Strengthen the Mind and …

Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Unlocking Potential: The Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose

Introduction – Physical and Psychic Powers of Locust Pose The word Śalabhāsana is derived from the “Shalabh” which means “Grasshopper” or “Locust” and asana means β€œMeditative Pose”. Locust is a symbol of longevity and they are associated with astral travel. They are a solitary animal that forms swarms when hunger or the quest for a habitat calls for it. There …