Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Flight of Wisdom: The Spiritual and Physical Benefits of Eagle Pose

Flight of Wisdom: The Spiritual and Physical Benefits of Eagle Pose

Introduction – Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

Garuḍāsana is derived from two Sanskrit words- Garuda means ‘Eagle’ and Asana means ‘Meditative Pose’. According to ancient tradition, Garuda is the King of the Birds. The Eagle pose, which has been inspired from the legendary Garuda itself, is a beneficial practice for the body, mind and energy. As a power animal, the Eagle is most frequently associated with Wisdom, freedom, intuition, Courage and Vision. This pose focuses on areas of the body such as hips, lower back and legs.

Powers Of Eagle

Physical Powers

Eagles symbolize Great Strength, Leadership, and Vision. They are daylight birds of object who own great sight and strength. Eagles’ eyes are up to eight times sharper than humans and have color sensitive cones. Their eyes are located at the side of at the side of their head and that gives A Wide Field of View. They can travel up to 400 to500 miles a day, during migration. Bald eagles possess larger wings, large talons, and strong feet to grab their prey. ‘Eagles fly really high in the sky but at the same time stay connected to the earth’. They have the ability to fly up to 10,000 ft. and can land swiftly on the ground.

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Mental Powers

Eagles are brave and powerful birds that take all kinds of challenges with great wisdom and courage. As they have a strong sight and can see with Great Clarity, they have the Ability to Understand the Reality and make Accurate Decisions according to what they see. They also have Strong Willpower and never give up when any Misfortune Strikes. For example, when there is a storm, all the birds fly away to seek shelter but eagles spread their wings and use the current of the wind to fly higher in the sky.

Psychic Powers

‘The eagle is the most powerful among all the winged creatures. They are mediators that convey the message of the spirit and connect humans to the divine as it flies higher than any other bird’. Eagles also deliver the message of renewed life as it is connected to the east winds, which give the direction of spring, dawn, and rebirth. The Eagles are also a true predator.

The winged creature has a great significance in many mythological and historical stories around the world. In certain cultures, the eagle is considered as the king of birds. Eagles are very powerful Resilience’s and Healer which helps to keep them balanced, healthy and intuitively connected with the nature. Certain section of the population also worship the Eagle Supernal (Garuda) from the times of Rig Veda till today. 

How To Do The Asana

Overview & Steps

  • Stand erect. Gently bend your right knee, and wrap your left leg around your right, such that the knees are stacked over each other. Your left foot must touch your right shin.
  • Raise your arms to the shoulder height and wrap your right hand around your left. Ensure that your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles and are also stacked.
  • Strike a balance in the pose as you gently bring down your hips. Your knees must move towards the midline instead of leaning to one side.
  • Hold the pose for a few seconds. Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus on the third eye, and overcome your negative emotions.
  • Release the pose, switch the limbs, and repeat the pose.

Safety & Precaution To Prevent Injuries

  • Squeeze your thighs and arms together tightly. The more compact you can make your body, the more balance you will gain.
  • Work to keep your hands, arms, and thighs in one straight line.
  • If you’re having trouble crossing your legs or wrapping your foot, sink your hips even lower in the pose.
  • To sit deeper, squeeze your thighs together even more and keep your inner thighs firmly pressing throughout the pose.

Anatomy Of Garudasana

To achieve the full twisting of the legs, the standing leg needs to flex at the hip and knee. This position of hip flexion with internal rotation and adduction is not structurally easy (the shape of the hip socket generally makes it easier to externally rotate when the hip is flexed). 

This position can be challenging for the knees. If the hips don’t perform the actions of adduction and internal rotation, the knees are forced to compensate and possibly over rotate. Paying attention to internally rotating the tibia can help prevent this over-mobilization of the knee.

This action in the legs is generally stabilizing for the sacroiliac (SI) joint because it encourages the pelvic halves to move together in the front, which can bring equivalence to the edges of the SI joint on the anterior surfaces of the sacrum and Ilium.

Read More – Garudasana: Achieving Balance, Strength, and Health Benefits

Preparatory And Follow Up Poses

Preparatory Asana –

  • Gomukhasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana
  • Supta Virasana
  • Supta Baddha Konasana
  • Vrikshasana

Follow Up Asana –

  • Utkatasana
  • Vrikshasana

Key Alignment Of Eagle Yoga Pose

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Importance Of Breathing In Garudasana

In Garudasana focus on breathing is very important in order to maintain the balance in the pose. In the final pose the breath has to be deep and long as in this asana lungs are not fully opened to acquire more oxygen. Long and deep breaths sustain in the final pose for an extended time period. As the hands and legs are interlocked, more oxygenated blood is supplied within the torso, which gives strength and energy to maintain the pose.

Importance Of Meditation In Garudasana

(Sthiram Sukham Asanam)

In this pose when you have achieved the stillness, you should mentally visualize the form of an Eagle and can become aware of their powers. At this point consciously you must shift your awareness from physical and mental aspects to visualization. See yourself emerging with the power of eagle which is Determination, Strong Will Power, Focus and Concentration.  This will help to lead you in the process of meditation.

Benefits Of Eagle Pose

Lets discuss eagle pose benefits in detail:

1. Physical Benefits

The Garudasana pose strengthens ankles and increases flexibility in shoulder joints.

  • It stretches thighs, calves, shoulder, upper back, and hips.
  • It reduces cramps in the calf muscles.
  • It helps improve balance and coordination.
  • It regulates the functioning of the kidney and heals prostate problems.
  • It helps get rid of urinary problems.
  • It has proven helpful in sciatica and rheumatism in leg joints.

2. Psychological Benefits

  • This pose helps to improve Concentration Power and increases Awareness of the Surroundings.
  • This asana Boosts up the Sharp Qualities within and improves ones’s capability – Be it Enthusiastic Eager, Reliable and Confident.
  • This pose also helps Reduces the negative Emotions such as stress, anxiety, lacks curiosity and demotivation etc., which affects the daily life.

3. Mystical Benefits

  • Practicing Garudasana cultivates the true powers of Eagle which are Vision, Wisdom, Strong Determination and strength.
  • Garudasana is a very beneficial pose to restore Mental Clarity and Focus.
  • Performing this asana with an open mind and great courage, will overcome the Obstacles and have a Constant flow of Positive Energy through your mind and body.
  • This pose will help you make the Right Decision when you feel Confused or Unbalanced.

4. Spiritual Benefits

The spiritual traditions embrace the Eagle as a Symbol of Preserver and Hope. Historically, cultures all over the world have associated the Eagle’s energy with the commanding elements of sun and thunder. 

This pose helps in working on the root chakra through a Powerful Connection to the Earth Element. This is the first chakra also called Mooladhara chakra. It is associated with feelings such as safety, security, and survival.

Garudasana also opens and balances the third eye chakra, which is the sixth chakra and is located between the eyebrows. This chakra is associated with elements like Vision, Perception, Foresight and Clairvoyance. These are the two important chakras to look out for in order to work towards the feeling of being lost or down.


  • The Yoga Eagle pose should be avoided if people have a recent elbow, knee or ankle injury.
  • People suffering from conditions such as obesity, frequent headaches, high blood pressure or asthma should avoid this pose.
  • Pregnant women should get medical approval before practicing this pose.


Soar to new heights with the Eagle Pose, unlocking spiritual and physical benefits. This asana, pivotal in Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, cultivates wisdom through mind-body harmony. Enrich your practice where the Eagle Pose becomes a transformative journey towards holistic well-being. Incorporating this pose into your practice can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

For those interested in deepening their yoga journey, consider enrolling in a yoga teacher training program. Rishikul Yogshala in Rishikesh offers comprehensive courses like the 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh. These programs are designed to help you master your practice and share the transformative power of yoga with others.

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Yogi Bipin Baloni Yoga Teacher

Yogi Bipin Baloni is a dedicated yoga teacher specializing in Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Pranayama. Rooted in a Brahmin family, his journey into yoga was guided by esteemed masters, shaping his deep understanding of both its physical and spiritual dimensions. With a strong belief that yoga is a science beyond mere postures, he imparts its profound wisdom to his students with clarity and dedication.