Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Vinyasa Yoga Poses

Boost Your Strength and Flexibility With These Vinyasa Yoga Poses

Vinyasa yoga — a moving meditation that helps unlock the natural flow of energy and trapped tension in the body. In order to maintain our equilibrium with the rhythm of life, Vinyasa yoga is a tool that enables us to apply the practice of yoga to our jobs, relationships, and personal development. So what are the Vinyasa yoga poses and

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Why Rishikesh Is Known as The Yoga Capital of The World

Rishikesh, known as the “Yoga Capital of the World,” doesn’t require special notice as the primary location for yoga instruction and practice. Although Rishikesh has always been a popular tourist destination due to its status as the birthplace of yoga, the city gained more notoriety when The Beatles visited in 1968. Since ancient times, the location has served as a

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How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

How to Do the Sleeping Vishnu Pose (Anantasana) In Yoga

Introduction In today’s ever-bustling world, it is essential to take care of our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga is one of the best ways to nurture all these aspects of life. Practicing yoga helps improve our physical health through stretching and strengthening exercises (Yogasanas). It also promotes mental clarity and reduces stress through mindful breathing (Pranayama) and meditation (Dhyana).

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Triangle pose (trikonasana pose)

One Yoga For Your Mind & Body? Try the Trikonasana Pose (Triangle Pose)

Trikonasana is a standing posture asanas used in the practice of Hatha Yoga. The words Tri refer to three and Kona refers to corners. Trikonasana, thus, means “Three Corners”. The ultimate position is said to resemble a triangle created by the torso, upper limbs, and lower limbs, hence the name. Trikonasana primarily concentrates on side stretching of the body. It

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Ayurveda & Yoga: Adapting Your Practice To Your Energetic Constitution

The core purpose of yoga is to connect with your true nature. This practice saw its origin in the Hindu and Vedic traditions, with roots shared with another ancient art of healing: Ayurveda. This practice of Ayurveda is mainly known for adapting food, lifestyle, and therapeutic supplements to each individual’s constitution and energy imbalance. However, its scope goes far beyond

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The Health Benefits of Setu Bandhasana

The Health Benefits of Setu Bandhasana

In the realm of yoga, Setu Bandhasana, also known as the Bridge Pose, stands as a beacon of rejuvenation and holistic wellness. This ancient asana holds profound significance, not just as a physical exercise but also as a therapeutic practice. Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the myriad health benefits of Setu Bandhasana, exploring its steps and the transformative

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Ashtanga Yoga Poses

A Beginner’s Guide to Ashtanga Yoga Poses & Unlocking its Benefits

Ashtanga yoga is highly effective in fostering physical strength and bringing forth emotional, energetic, and spiritual healing. This technique integrates the body’s motions with the breath in a rhythmic vinyasa flow. However, it must be noted that this yoga can be slightly daunting if you are a beginner – but fear not! We’ve got everything covered in our 300 hour

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Anulom Vilom The Ultimate Guide to Breathing Technique and Its Benefits

Anulom Vilom: The Ultimate Guide to Breathing Technique and Its Benefits

We are discovering new insights about pranayama daily. But are we fully aware of what pranayama means? Here is the answer: the word “pranayama” is taken from the Sanskrit words “prana”, which means breath, and “Yama”, which means extension. Therefore, we know that it is just a regulation of breath. But actually, it’s way more than this. Its true meaning

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How To Do Marjari Asana- Steps and Benefits of Cat Stretch Pose

How To Do Marjari Asana – Steps and Benefits of Cat Stretch Pose

What is Marjari Asana? The modern world’s always-on-run fundamentals have made our lives so busy that we often feel stressed and overworked. We constantly run from one task to the next, continually trying to keep up with life. Amidst all this busyness, we often ignore the health of our body and mind. So, caring for our physical, mental, and emotional

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Utthita Parsvakonasana

Utthita Parsvakonasana: Benefits, Variations & Common Mistakes

Understanding Utthita Parsvakonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana, commonly called Extended Side Angle Pose in yoga practice, is an effective standing yoga position designed to build strength, stability, and flexibility in practitioners of Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga practices. Hatha and Vinyasa practices feature this asana that works the entire body while developing strength and posture improvement. Unachieved Utthita Parsvakonasana requires balance and focus.

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Elevate Your Yoga Practice with Navasana and Ardha Navasana

Elevate Your Yoga Practice With Navasana and Ardha Navasana

Introduction to Navasana and Ardhanavasana Yoga is a timeless practice that provides numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Among the many yoga asanas taught in our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, Navasana (Boat Pose) and Ardha Navasana (Half Boat Pose) are two dynamic yoga asanas that help strengthen your core, improve balance, and promote your overall well-being. In

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How To Design and Structure Your Hatha Yoga Classes

Structuring and Sequencing of Hatha Yoga Practices Yoga class sequences come in different styles, shapes and sizes. Every form, such as Iyengar Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Viniyoga, Bikram, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa etc, has its own ideas about how to sequence a practice. Understanding how to design a Hatha yoga class is essential for creating effective and balanced sessions. In Hatha yoga

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20-Minute Ardha Matsyendrasana Routine for a Calm and Balanced Mind

20-Minute Ardha Matsyendrasana Routine for a Calm and Balanced Mind

Ardha Matsyendrasana Routine for Mental Clarity and Inner Balance In today’s age and day, it’s a fast-paced world where every moment is filled with hustle and bustle, and finding calm can be a problematic practice. However, don’t worry—among the chaos of modern life, there is always yoga to calm you down! Among the various poses in yoga, Ardha Matsyendrasana, is

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What is Mandukasana and Why You Should Be Doing It.

What is Mandukasana and Why You Should Be Doing It?

In the calm atmosphere of Rishikesh, which is tucked away in the Himalayan foothills, practicing yoga is like embarking on a spiritual voyage. In Rishikesh, the ancient art of yoga takes on new dimensions as practitioners weave together spiritual, mental, and physical strands. Of all the asanas taught at the Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, Mandukasana, often known as Frog Pose,

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Laughter Yoga and How can it help you

What is Laughter Yoga and How Can It Help You?

What is Laughter Yoga? Are you looking for a fun and different approach to improve your health and lower your stress level? How will you feel if will say you can do it by laughing yoga? You might be wondering how! Right, well laughing yoga could be the solution you’ve been searching for! So, experience a voyage of laughing in

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Crocodile Pose Chronicles: Connecting with Strength, Patience, and Precision

Crocodile Pose Chronicles: Connecting with Strength, Patience, and Precision

Makarasana is derived from two Sanskrit words- Makar means “Crocodile” and asana means “Pose”. Makarasana is also known as the Crocodile Pose, which can be practiced for relaxation and to establish diaphragmatic breathing. This pose is considered the best practice for diaphragmatic breathing, which is the key to starting any yogic practice. The crocodile represents precision of motion and agility.

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5 Reasons to Practice Viparita Karani Every Day

6 Reasons to Practice Viparita Karani Every Day

Yoga devotees set out on life-changing adventures in the center of the spiritual haven that is Rishikesh, where the Ganges River runs and the Himalayan foothills rise majestically. In Rishikesh, practitioners assemble for yoga teacher training as the sun rises over this holy country, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the age-old poses that feed the body as well

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yoga with posture

Strengthening the Core and Aligning the Spine Posture with Yoga

In today’s busy world, many people forget to sit and stand up straight, leading to various health problems. Bad posture occurs when we spend a lot of time bending over screens or desks, or simply going about our daily activities. Yoga is a good option to fix these issues and build better posture by strengthening our core (tummy and back)

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power of Baddha Konasana: Pose, Benefits and Variations

Unlocking the Power of Baddha Konasana: Pose, Benefits and Variations

Introduction In a peaceful environment surrounded by high mountains and the waters of the sacred River Ganges, Rishikul Yogashala, our renowned yoga school in Rishikesh, invites you to make a life-changing beginning to yoga. Among the many yoga asanas taught during our 200-hour and 300 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh, Baddha Konasana stands out as a powerful and accessible asana.

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