Rishikul Yogshala Rishikesh

Yoga Is a Super Science Of All Sciences

Introduction – Yoga is a Science of all Sciences

There is no doubt yoga is a science of all sciences. It has been accepted by all literate, illiterate, doctors, scientists, atheists, non-atheists, and so on. The word which is used for science is known as Vidhya in the Sanskrit language. “Vidhya” means the right fact or insight/knowledge”.


Now the question is what kind of fact and insight it has been contained, delivered, and shown to us in terms of “Adhyatma Vidhya” {Spiritual science}. Since human beings came into existence in this universe. We just did not grow up with instinctive nature called Hunger, Sleep, sex, and Insecurity. These are part of our limited nature in terms of daily needs and habits.

AhAra-nidrA-bhaya-maithunam cha samAnam_etat_pashubhir_narANAm |
dharmo hi teShAm adhiko visheSho dharmeNa hInAH pashubhiH samAnAH||

आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥

We are not only born with physical-physiological and psychological theories and their practices. The beautiful sloka is expressing this by saying that animals and human beings are born with these instinct natures, but what makes the human evolve from the animal being/ limited nature to the higher being.

That’s called “dharma” literally it means “right conduct/discrimination” or “that which up-hold firmly the universal phenomena”. If humans have not been using their potential to go beyond and realize complete being then there would be no such differences that indicate humans and animals are not the same in nature and potential.

Beyond all these, the human being has been threatening by the questioning mind intensely, for instance, who am I? What is the purpose of life? Why life is in between pain and pleasure? How to liberate from pain and pleasure/ birth and death cycle? And So on. It doesn’t end here only with questions.

yoga - Yoga is a science

Since these questions have been rising in the past and as well today in the human mind, they started enquiring with unbroken contemplation, meditation with cross-questioning with own selves and therefore to have mastery over self-restraint to solve and got self-realization. Where on the other hand the people were enquiring and discovered that how to build civilizations, engineering, computer science, weapon, and so on.

They both have got success which we can see today that where we are. The first one is called “yogis” who have had been inquiring and practicing the Yogic methodologies with which they came out with a conclusion and that’s called “Samadhi” in yogic science. On the other hand, the second one is called scientists who have been given us the revolution by technology, computers, transportations, agriculture, powerful civilizations and so on. It’s very interesting in terminology that both sciences wanted to provide us facts, solutions, luxury, wisdom, and easiness.

Yoga Is a Science With Philosophy and Practical Methods

Yoga is a science with philosophy and practical methods for realizing the true nature of our own selves within by separating the consciousness from the matter, contemplating, meditating on such studies and practices of facts and logic, that we are not the body and mind complex but beyond which is known as complete self, Samadhi “The deep absorption of meditation”. It is the well-known definition of the word “Yoga” by Yogis and Vedantic (Non-dual philosophers).

Therefore, many of the masters have been translated the word yoga as a Union too, the union between individual self which is uniting with the universal self. Both the translations are right on their terms which lead to the same experience known as “Samadhi”.


Written by Yoga Acharya Bipin Baloni

About the Author Bipin Baloni

Born in a Brahmin family, the art of yoga flowed naturally in Yogi Bipin. Upon acquiring qualification in Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Pranayama, and Meditation he began his teaching practices after being registered as a Yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance

Learning from some great yogis and receiving his Spiritual training from experts, he is specialized in Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa. With a firm belief that Yoga is a Science and exceeds body practices, he shares the mystical and spiritual aspects attached to it.

check article on 6 Reason Why Yoga is Genuine Science of Separation and Unification?

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Yogi Bipin Baloni
Yogi Bipin Baloni Yoga Teacher

Yogi Bipin Baloni is a dedicated yoga teacher specializing in Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and Pranayama. Rooted in a Brahmin family, his journey into yoga was guided by esteemed masters, shaping his deep understanding of both its physical and spiritual dimensions. With a strong belief that yoga is a science beyond mere postures, he imparts its profound wisdom to his students with clarity and dedication.